Chapter 6

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Picture of Tyler on the side ------->

I ran! I slammed the door of my car shut, barely managing to get out without tripping myself up or getting tangled in the seat belt. I dashed through the front doors and I ran! I ran so fast, I almost thought I would take off and manage to fly into the classroom and into my seat, seconds before the test was to begin. But as if I should be so lucky! I raced through the empty school hallways, the lockers seeming to blur as I looked for my auditorium door. Lecture Hall 2, Lecture hall 2.... What a great time to get lost. To make matters even worse, the test that I would be writing, would count towards our initial assessment, to make sure we were meeting our target marks. I was running so fast I ended up passing the huge red double doors to the Lecture Hall. I forced myself to stop in my tracks, turn around and dart back the way I had come until I came to the huge double doors again and just smashed my way through.

As soon as I entered the lecture hall I froze. The room was dead silent and every single person turned their head to stare at the girl who had managed to be 10 minutes late to the first major exam of the semester.

"Miss Reed, make your way to my desk please."

I heard Mr. Romano's stern voice bellow from above me. I lifted my head slowly to see him making his way through a row of students looking down at their papers now and then to monitor the test, and then come down the central stairway to the front where his desk was placed bang in the center of the hall and directly in everyone's vision. I traipsed across from the door reluctantly; I could feel every single pair of eyes following me with each step I made towards the desk. Although the desk was only about 10 paces away from the door it felt as though it would take me forever to actually reach it. When I finally arrived to my doom, Mr. Romano was already standing behind his desk, poised and ready to administer my punishment. I felt as though I had been put into the public stocks. I could almost feel the mental rotten tomatoes of humiliation being hurled at me from the eagerly observing audience.

"As you think it's acceptable to waste my time by being late to your test, Miss Reed, I feel it is also acceptable for me to be cutting into your time. You will not be sitting this exam now, with the rest of us, but I will expect to see you after school, in my office, PROMPTLY at 4 o'clock, where you will then be taking this test. And be aware Miss Reed, you WILL be marked down for your late submission. So if you are looking to pass this class at the end of the year, you will be required to do some extra work to make up for the lost credits. Now I hope you don't make a habit of this as there will no more second chances. Do I make myself clear Miss Reed?"

" Yes. Mr Romano." I muttered under my breath. I could hear the hushed giggles coming from the students sitting around me.

I wasn't even able to get a single word of explanation in. But then again if I had even tried to explain I don't think it would have made the slightest bit of difference, in fact it may have made matters worse, so I was glad the worst of it was over.

"Now I expect you to make your way to the library and get on with some well needed study." I turned to head out of the auditorium.

"4 o'clock Miss Reed. Don't be late." Mr. Romano called from behind me, just as I stepped out of the hall. When I was finally out of there, I leaned back against the wall. I hadn't realized that my whole body had tensed up. I took two huge deep breaths in an attempt to flush out the memory, of that terrifying situation, from my mind. I shook my hands and arms which now had goose bumps all over and just about managed to calm my shattered nerves.

I followed Mr. Romano's instructions and headed towards the library, scared that he'd somehow find out if I even strayed for a second and make my punishment worse than already was. As I made my way through the hallway I noticed someone standing by the lockers. As I got closer I realized it was Sydney. She seemed to be emptying the books from her previous classes out of her bag and replacing them with other books from inside her locker. I was about to head over to her and say hi when...

"Hey Syd, what's up? How are you doing?"

Someone beat me to it. I looked ahead where further down the corridor, a boy was making his way to where Sydney was standing. Not wanting to interrupt, I held back. Turning my gaze back to Sydney who seemed to have completely ignored the guy and his attempt to make conversation.

"Let me help you with your books," he offered as got near enough to Sydney. "That won't be necessary Tyler." Sydney responded in her bland and monotonous tone, which I was now getting very used to. "I am perfectly capable of carrying my own books."

Tyler...Tyler...where did I recognize that name from? OMG Tyler Johnson! It suddenly struck me. This was Tyler Johnson. Head of the University Student Committee and Council, leader of the debate team, head quarterback, top in his class for business studies and who already had an offer from the most renowned firm in the country. The information from the university information pack came flooding back to me. He was in his final year at OU and it was common knowledge, especially amongst the girls of OU that, with his wavy golden hair, crystal blue eyes and slightly tanned complexion, he was also very easy on the eyes.

Now more interested than ever in the meeting that was taking place in front of me, I observed him take position leaning on the lockers beside the one Sydney was standing at.

"Was just trying to be a gentleman and help a girl out with her bags. Is that such a crime?" He pleaded to a completely oblivious Sydney.

No, no it wasn't at all! I heard myself reply in my head. How adorable! Chivalry was completely dead these days. I couldn't believe how sweet this guy was being. Sydney on the other hand, was being seriously rude!

What was wrong with her! This obviously handsome guy was offering to carry her bags, which no guy is willing to do these days, and she doesn't even look at him. There must be something wrong with her, or she's so stuck up her own ass she can't even see the rest of the world around her. Her next moves were even more shocking to me.

After she'd finished packing her bag, she closed her locker, slung her jacket over her shoulder and started walking away from the guy as if he wasn't even there. Now that was just plain disrespectful! Tyler gave a little smirk as if he had been expecting behavior like this and decided to carry on walking behind her. They were both walking away from me. Not wanting to miss any of the action I decided to follow them, they seemed to be heading in the general direction of the library. So I waited a few seconds to give them a head start and then walked in the same direction they had.

"Okay let me accompany you to class." No response from Sydney.

"Come on Syd sweetheart. Give a poor guy a chance." I could hear Tyler's endearing voice drift down the corridor.

Wow, this guy really didn't give up! I was surprised he hadn't already, with the attitude he was getting from Sydney. What I wouldn't give for a guy to be going after me like that. It was any girl's fantasy. Judging by the blasé expression I had seen on Sydney's face, it was clear she was used to getting this kind of attention from the guys.

I carried on behind them until they turned left round the corner and Sydney disappeared into one of the classrooms. They must not have the same classes because Tyler didn't follow her into the classroom but instead he slammed the door with his hand as it came swinging back towards his face, turned with a sigh and then took the stairs up ahead to the first floor.

I quickly turned around and started walking in the opposite direction, towards the library. It took me a few seconds to absorb what I had just witnessed. Sydney was defiantly living up to her rich bitch title and poor Tyler!

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Sorry for the short chapter guys but please let us know what you think of this chapter and all the characters. We need your feedback - negative or positive we wanna hear it !!!! <3333

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