Chapter 4

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Picture of Sia on the side --->


A week had gone by since the day I discovered ‘my’ hidden lake. Ever since that day, I’ve been jogging up to the lake and back unreeling the problems that were on the centre of my mind. Problems being homework. Homework – and you guessed it … homework. I wasn’t expecting so much work right at the beginning of school. I had already been given 2 assignments in my French class and done 4 tests altogether. Jogging helped me clear my mind so that I could focus on my work afterwards. Would you call me a nerd? I sure would. I mean we basically spend 14 years of our lives preparing ourselves for a career that we might be spending the rest of our lives in, so you might as well make it count, right? Well at least that was my mindset.

It was a thursday evening and I was currently sitting outside on a little bench in front of the house by the driveway. The weather was perfect so I decided to study for tomorrow morning’s literature test before the sun set completely. I asked Sia to come study with me but she said something about helping her parents run errands.

I was almost finished studying when a white Mercedes pulled up into the driveway. I didn’t need to wonder who that was. Sydney. Miller. I saw her, a couple of times at school; otherwise she wasn’t really a person you’d frequently bump into. I still hadn’t introduced myself and it had been a week. I mean if we live in the same house, shouldn’t we at least get to know each other? I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce myself.

Sydney got out of her car, grabbed a few things from the back, and started to walk towards the house completely unaware that I was only sitting a few 3 meters away from her. In one hand was her phone, handbag and earphones. In the other was a gorgeous floral tote bag, grocery bags and a package under her arm.

I jumped up and ran towards her blocking her path.

“Sydney! Hey. I’m Skyler. I live on the top floor.” I said.

“Clearly.” She replied in a monotone voice.

“Uh, yeah. So, I noticed we go to the same university. Are you a freshman as well?”

“Does it really matter …?” she said sighing deeply.

“Uhm, I guess not? Well anyways I’ll see you around. That’s a really nice bag by the way.” I said pointing to the floral bag. “Where is it from?”

She seemed fazed for a couple of seconds before she quickly replied

“It’s not on the market”

“Oh. Well it’s gorgeous. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.” I complimented.

Her lips curled upwards for just a second before they returned to her regular pout. Wait?! Was it just me or did she just smile at me?

“Yeah. You sure haven’t.”

With that, she strode past me approaching the door of the house.

“Do you need some help with that?” I asked, judging by the fact that the package under her arm was just about to slip.

“No.” she replied bluntly.

Karma must have been coming at her cause right then, the package and her phone fell to the ground. There was no way she could pick them up without dropping all the stuff in her hands. I jogged up to her, grabbed the phone and package up from the ground and opened the door of the house for her.

“I didn’t ask for your help” she said looking in my direction.

“Yeah you didn’t. But you sure need it.” I replied.

She made her way into the manor and up the stairs which led me to indicate I was to follow her up. She went inside her house and just as I was about to enter, she came back out closing the door just enough so that I couldn’t see anything inside behind her.

“Thanks” she muttered hastily while grabbing her phone and package from my hands.

“Sure, no problem” I replied with a smile.

She gave me one last glance before hurrying into her apartment and slamming the door shut.

Well. I wouldn’t call us friends … but it’s a start right?

I went back down to the bench again and studied for 10 more minutes before grabbing my books and retiring up to my apartment as it had got too dark.

Now that I think about it, living in this manor was a funny concept. While I was talking on the phone yesterday with my mum, she kept on teasing me by repeating, “Your house is in a house”. I explained it to her like this. I live in a big house, manor to be specific. This manor is separated into three floors basically signifying three houses. Each floor is someone’s house. The only way into each floor is by the stairs on the side of the manor.

My mother-dear was very confused by this explanation. So in short form, think of each floor as a penthouse. But much smaller. And definitely not as fancy. THIS. She understood.

After finishing the leftover spaghetti I made yesterday night, I went into my room to clean up. I was not a neat freak. Better yet, I was far from it. I had a habit of cleaning my room to the best of my abilities but then never putting things back after I use them. Eventually, everything piles up higher and higher until I have another big clean up day.

I started picking up the scattered pieces of clothing around my room until there wasn’t an odd piece of clothing to be found. Bed made – check. Clothes hung – check. Dresser arranged – check.

I plopped on to the bed and wrapped the duvet around myself tightly. I stared out through the skylight into the night sky. There were a few stars sparkling even amongst the thick clouds, it randomly reminded me of something my dad used to tell me as a child. “Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep.” I never really took any real meaning to what he said. But maybe he was right. Now that I was in university, I would definitely be pulling all-nighters.



Note to Readers - We apologise for constantly changing the names of Skylers friend, we are still fiddling around with the details.Previous knows as Christine or Charlotte or Kelsey, she will now be known permanently as Sia.

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