Chapter 17

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Asher's PoV

After the incident with Naomi and Sam , I've been dedicated to giving them both a cold shoulder . Today is not different .

"Hey Ash " I felt warm arms surrounding my waist .

The Sparks were there but the butterflies were dead . I turned around in her arms and gently pushed her away . Hurt passed through her expression but I didn't even react like I'd normally do .

"What's wrong ?". She asked trying to reach for me but I took a step back.

She opened her mouth to speak but suddenly closed it when she heard footsteps . Knowing who it was , I turned around , my back facing them I continued making food for Addy .

I heard Sam utter a small ' hey babe ' , I ignored it . There was a long silence till I heard moaning behind me . I felt my heart shutter when I saw the two making out . I decided that Addy will eat upstairs . I was about to go upstairs when I saw Addy glaring at Sam . The angry expression she had was enough to get them six feet under.

I was being chased by a dark figure . I couldn't see the face but could hear the dark echo of a laugh . The voice started off as muscular but then it turned more feminine . To my horror it turned into a Melody made my the two . A Melody fit to haunt the horror of ones mind.

I tried to scream but no sound came . To my horror I saw my baby running beside me . She was also distress . We came to a cliff with no place to run to , no refuge provided .

The scene changed.

Blood and bodies everywhere. Sam's head lying a feet away from her body. Naomi watching with a sick smirk , I tried reaching her but she was too far away . Brains mixed with blood , looking like dinner of a monster from a horror movie.

I woke up covered in sweat . I looked at Addy and found her sound asleep . I closed my eyes to get the dream out of my head but it was harder than I thought. I got out of bed and sat at the edge.

I felt a presence behind me . Though unfamiliar it still provided a sense of comfort . Suddenly the room was filled with light . I turned around but saw nothing behind me , only a small ball of light like the one of Tinkerbell .

"It is all in your hands." The voice said . I was confused for a second but the dream came to mind .

" What am I supposed to do , there's not much I can do , I don't know what to do , Tell me what to do ." I said on the verge of tears due to frustration . " Why me ? What's so special about me ? "

The light slowly formed into a brown skinned woman . She had fluffy hair like the one of black African woman . Her jaw was sharp . Her expression serious but gentle . Her body slim , feminine yet a little muscular . Her eyes , a deep brown shade . Her lips dark and pouty . She looked like a true African Queen .

"Remember where you come from , that's the only way ."

With that she disappeared .


The next morning I went downstairs to talk to Sam about last night .

I found her in the kitchen cooking , I immediately knew who she was doing it for.

" Hey Sam." I said gently.
"Hey Ash."

She didn't even turn to look at me and it stung a little bit.

" We need to talk ."
"Wait a minute , I need to make breakfast for Naomi ."
"I won't take much of your time , it's important ."
"Gimme a sec I'll be done , Naomi must be famished ."

She wasn't even giving me the time of day so with that I took a breath in and released it slowly.

" Goodbye Sam " I said hoping it would catch her attention but it didn't .
"Yeah sure "

Tears brimmed my eyes but I didn't let them fall . I dashed upstairs and quickly woke Addy.

" So we are leaving huh ?" She asked with a sad smile and walked to the bathroom.

I was confused as to how she knew but didn't question it.


I took a last look at the pack house and just released a sigh . I looked at Addy and found my baby with the expression of a warrior . It made me proud but sad that she's forced to grow up .

With one last look we ran to the forest .


"Goodbye Sam"


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