Chapter 1

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Asher's Pov

I was in my cage sobbing softly when my beautiful bedroom door slammed open .Yay I'm so excited .I opened one eye waiting for the worst to happen and it didn't . I let a breath of relief , when suddenly my cage was lifted and got thrown across the room banging the wall with the metal crushing my head . Oh well I guess I jinxed it . "Wake up mutt" Alpha Jackson screamed and spat in my face . I whimpered and got out of my cage with my head bowed down . "Stop taking your time and prepare breakfast for everyone and if you're good I'll let you have the leftovers " I felt my mood enlightening but as I was going out there he mumbled 'as if that'll ever happen' but I ignored him and went down the stairs . I passed a few members who gave me disgusted looks do you know why ? Well because I've never shifted so I'm a disgrace . I got pulled out of my thoughts when my hair got yanked and thrown aggressively to the ground with a loud thud!!  I looked up to be met by a fist on my nose . "Who do you think you are bitch , you think you can walk around gracefully without even greeting your Luna ? Bitch you better learn your manners before I teach , it's clear your dumbass parents didn't" the pack bitch AKA Melissa said and everyone laughed some mumbling things like 'freak , dyke and slut' . I was on the verge of tears but I couldn't talk back because the last thing I want is getting whipped by a silver whip . So no thank you !! Last time I stood up for myself I got a cast , 2 broken ribs , a swollen ankle and scars on my back .

I made breakfast and went upstairs to get ready for school . I had to be quick because I don't have transport and  it's a 30 minutes trip . Sucks to be me I know .

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