Chapter 12

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Third person's pov

After the couple's encounter with Sasha their relationship changed.  Sam would try to hold conversations with Ash but she just won't budge.

Ash has been spending more time with Addison , not that she didn't like the little girl's company but it wasn't just the same as Ash.

Sam's POV

I've been looking through the pack documents and soon realized that the bank accounts had loops . Great !!!now not only am I dealing with my angry mate but I also gotta deal with this??

"Hey"came a small soft voice . I looked up to be met with rainbow eyes and a shy smile
"Hala" I replied with my own smile .
"I -uh- I was wondering if you'd like to grab something to eat ... That is if you are busy ... I mean of course you are busy since you are the alpha and all ... I understand if you are busy ... I was just hoping if uh you can may- " I cut her rambling with a Chuckle .

"Relax ... I'd love to grab a snack with you " I said as I awkwardly stood before her
"Oh ... Uhm ... Lead the way ?"she said with a blush

We were peacefully walking side by side down the stairs .
But I noticed that she didn't have that little girl she's normally with, which by the way is really rare and by rare I mean RARE!!!

"Hey uhh Ash ?" She just replied with a soft hum .
"Where's Addy?" As I said that realisation struck her
"Ohh fuck... I forgot bout her !" She said with a concerned voice
"How about we fetch her first ?" I suggested softly of which she acknowledged with a nod .

Ash's POV

The food was great but the tension was still there ... I dunno if I am angry at her or just sad. I guess both?

"So... You and Sasha huh ?" I asked with a strained voice .
I always knew this would happen , I was never enough for her . I was just a fool to even think I was enough.

Yes I was her mate , but that's just it . She's gorgeous while I'm the opposite ... She's strong while I'm weak , who'd want a weak mate Huh? Who'd want a weak Luna ? No one!!!

*Sigh*" Ash , Sasha doesn't mean anything to me ok ? Yes i admit that we were in a compromising position but nothing happened . I was about to tell her to fuck off when you barged in . " She said in a soft voice.

I wanted to believe her my wolf wanted to believe her but the demon in me didn't .

"Ok" I said with a soft smile and teary eyes . Tears  rolled down my cheeks , seeing that Sam's eyes widened but Addison was quick to wipe my tears . I smiled at her only remembering her presence .

The day went by differently than the ones where I was distancing myself from Sam . I haven't seen Sasha since that day which is good on her side because I can't wait to shove a shovel up her dirty flower !!!

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