Chapter 6

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Sam's POV

I can't believe it Asher's a galaxy wolf ? Oh brother . I'm currently sitting beside her holding her closer to me as she horrified of what she just read .

Then I remembered she doesn't know my name . " Samantha ... Samantha Grey " she looked confused until realization hit her and she smiled at me nodding her head .
" Are you going to reject me ? " She said with a broken voice . I sighed and picked her up placing her on my lap earning a help from her .

She went to lay her head on my chest but I softly grabbed her jaw making her look directly into my eyes , with her beautiful rainbow eyes . " Look Asher I would never reject you " I wanted to say I love her but I felt like it's too early .
" You're an Alpha right ? " She asked I just nodded not knowing where this is going .
" And I'm an omega why would you want a weakling as your mate ? " I was about to protest when she spoke again .
" You can find someone strong , it's just like my ex_ mate said  I'm a disadvantage to this pack I can't even shift yet " that made me and my wolf angry . I growled hugging her tightly to control my wolf .
" Look Asher you are not weak , you endured the pain they caused you ! You are perfect for me , I don't care what your dumbass Ex Mate said ! He's a fool if he only cares about status ! But I'm glad he rejected you because through that I found you , my other half . " When I was done she was holding on to me tightly sobbing on my shirt .

" Why? " She asked softly with a slight hiccup . I couldn't form any sentence so I did what my instincts told me to do .*


Asher's POV

After she said those words I couldn't help but breakdown . Then I calmed down a bit and popped out a question .
"Why? " I asked with a slight hiccup . She looked as if she was arguing with herself then she looked at me , cupped my cheeks softly . She leaning to kiss me , oh boy what do I do ?

Before I knew it her soft plump lips touched mine in a soft yet meaningful kiss . I was shocked but got over it and  kissed back . She pulled away leaning her forehead on mine . Then she answered me with 4 words I never thought I would hear .

" Because I love you " she said . When I didn't answer she started panicking but I have her a soft peck and she relaxed .
" No need to worry because I ... I ... Uhm ... I love you too" she looked shocked but covered it with a smile , I smiled back .


Samantha's POV

She loves me . She actually loves me . Oh somebody call an ambulance I think I'm about to faint .

She was now curled up in my arms   while I had my back on the headboard with my legs on the bed . I took this time to admire her unique beauty .

She has white hair with dark grey ends . Making her unique not to mention her rainbow eyes . Her small cute , plump lips . Long natural  lashes  . Pale but beautiful skin . She has small muscles and abs , they're small but there .

I got snapped out of my trance when i heard her whimper . I didn't wait for her to tell me what's wrong I just ran to the hospital room . Aunt Becky came in after a few seconds , looking exhausted .

" What's wrong ? " She asked
" I don't know she was just sleeping in my arms , next thing I know she's in pain ." I explained a little worried
" What did you do ?" She said face palming herself .
" I didn't do anything ... I swear , I would never hurt her " at this time her whimpers where louder and she was burning hot .
" Did you show any affection towards her ? " Oh for fucksales
" Look I just kissed her , told her I love her and she said it back !!" I yelled getting frustrated but all she did was smirk like she knew something . Of course she knew  something she's a witch .

'' Oh I see , you triggered her wolf she's shifting " she said in a singing tone . Then Asher screamed in pain . I tried to help her but Becky held me back . I couldn't bare to see her like this so I looked away .

A few moments later the screaming died down , I heard Becky gasp I turned around and almost fainted . Her wolf was so majestic it had black fur with spots shaped and coloured like the planets and stars . She was ... I dunno know what to say .

Becky bowed down and my wolf forced me to do so . I bowed but I felt something wet on my face I looked up to see Ash ... Well her wolf . She licked my face making me giggle . I ran my hand through her fur and it was so heavenly doing that .

" Shift back " I said hoping she knew how . And she did with ease . What shocked me was that her clothes were still there . Oh well i guess it comes with being the ruler of all supernaturals .

" You two must come to my cabin tomorrow " Becky said . We just nodded and went to our room .

When got there she asked for the bathroom and I led her to it . She lit up with amusement  .

" Wow " she breathed out making me chuckle .
" Do you like it ?" I asked she nodded shyly . I went back to the room and laid on the bed   . I think I should introduce her to the pack tomorrow before going to see Becky .

When she got out I gave her my T Shirt which looked longer on her but leaving a bit of her butt . Oh Goddess why should she tempt me like this ?
' Because she's your mate dumbass'
' Thanks Captain obvious '
' Gosh  Sam you're such an ass sometimes '
' Takes an ass to know one Lily'   she groaned with annoyance but I giggled earning a ' bitch u got to be crazy ! ' look from Ash.

" Goodnight Ash " I said pulling her closer .
" Goodnight Sam" She said resting her head on my chest

Oh I could get used to this . With that I fell asleep .

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