Book One in the 'Loving' series.
Arjun Singhania is a driven and successful 27-year-old man who believes he has everything he needs in life: a supportive family, a loyal best friend, and a thriving company.
However, his world is turned u...
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🎶kahein jo sakhiyan, sune jo takiyaan tu hai woh kahaani
daudi jo nas mein, rahe na bas mein tu hai woh ravaani
main jis pe fidaa hoon adaa ban gaya tu jo sach ho gayi woh duaa ban gaya tu🎶
The next morning, Arjun was drowning in embarrassment, and self-anger. He couldn't believe he behaved the way he behaved last night. Getting wasted was one thing, but having his assistant see him in that state was a whole different thing. And to top it off, he also remembered bits and pieces of himself calling her beautiful.
He did think she's beautiful. But he did not want her to know that he thought that.
How was he even gonna face her was the only question clouding his mind as he walked out of the elevator, into his office.
A few minutes later Mayera made her appearance and started reading his schedule to him.
He was waiting for her to make a comment about yesterday but to his surprise, nothing came from her side. In fact, she behaved absolutely normal the entire day, as if the night before didn't exist.
Arjun didn't know if he was glad she didn't bring it up, or irritated that she didn't bring it up. But he knew that his heart will not be at peace till he apologizes to her.
So when Mayera was about to leave the office in the evening, he deliberately matched her time and caught her in the elevator.
As the doors closed, an awkward silence enveloped the closed space.
Clearing his throat, Arjun started,"Umm, about yesterday..."
Mayera looked at him with her soft brown eyes and for a minute, he forgot what he was talking about.
"Yes," Her voice brought him back.
"I wanted to say that I am really sorry. I normally don't behave this irresponsibly. And also, I'd like to thank you for coming to pick me up, even though you didn't have to do it. You should have just called Veer." He said in one breath.
"It's absolutely okay, sir. I am your assistant and it includes being there when you need me."
"Yeah, but only for official purposes. Taking your drunk boss home wasn't in your job profile." Arjun muttered which made Mayera laugh a little.
"Seriously, I feel very embarrassed. How can I pay back your debt? Do you want an increase in your salary?" He asked.
Mayera looked at him baffled."You're gonna give me an appraisal because I got to home safely?"
"Yes, if you want it." He assured her.
By this time, they'd reached the ground floor and started walking out of the building.
"I didn't do it for money, you know." Mayera spoke, a little offended. And Arjun detected that offense in her tone.
Damn, he was trying to apologize here and instead he hurt her.
"So tell me, what can I do for you?" He didn't want to make the situation worse.
Mayera didn't know what to ask from your boss, so she ended up saying the first thing that came to her mind."How about you buy me lunch tomorrow?"
There is nothing like free food.
Arjun furrowed his eyebrows."That's it?"
Mayera nodded with what was clearly the most enchanting smile Arjun had ever seen.
I'd buy you lunch everyday if that's the smile you give me in return.
"Okay, we're having lunch out tomorrow." With that, he got into his car which the valet had brought at the front door and zoomed off.
Mayera stood there, astonished. She thought she just asked for him to buy her lunch, but instead he's taking her out! It's time for the butterflies to make their entry in her stomach.
Arjun himself didn't know why he said that he would take her out. He just wanted to do it. He wanted to spend some time with her outside the office.
As promised, Arjun took Mayera to a nice, cozy restaurant the next day during lunch break.
After they both had placed their order, Arjun decided to get to know her better.
"So, who else is in your family?"
Mayera, who was looking around, shifted her gaze on the deliciously handsome man in front of her. "There's mom, dad and my elder brother."
"What does your father do?"
"He's self-employed." She curtly answered.
He wanted to ask more about her father but the waiter interrupted them by bringing their food. And after that, Mayera changed the topic and started talking about her childhood.
Mayera told him how she had stuck chewing gum in her hair at the age of five and had to cut them, and how she had pranked her class teacher in grade 9 to bunk the school. Arjun didn't have any pranking to share as he'd always been an introverted boy both at home and in school, but he definitely enjoyed her tales. And to Mayera's utter surprise, also laughed at a few of them.
It was the first time she had ever seen him laugh and her heart instantly knew that this was going to be her favorite sound forever. Yes, she had started falling for him and she was done denying that fact.
She knew it wasn't very professional of her to fall for her boss, but then love is blind. When has it ever seen or considered anything. She knew that there are high chances that her love for him might always remain unreciprocated, but she was ready to take the risk. Because he was worth the risk.
Mayera finally accepted her feelings. The real story starts from here.
Don't kill me, but till now Arjun was sweet. He is going to get a lot rude in the coming chapters. Be ready for that ;)