Chapter 13 (Betty) - "No backsliding"

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Dear diary, I honestly had the worst week-end ever.

Saturday night's ball should've been the best moment for confessions. I had everything planned : my pleasing pink dress, my high-heels, my curly blond hair, a final touch of lip gloss... I wanted to look perfect for my slow dance with Archie.

But it didn't work out the way I'd hoped... When I took my courage in two hands to confess my feelings to my best friend, he didn't react at first. Only that, it was quite hurtful. At Cheryl's, we didn't speak to each other at all. I think we were both uncomfortable.

And then, he had to play that kinky game... he had to go with Veronica in the dark closet... I know something happened between them. It's so obvious ! I saw the way he looked at her when we first met her at Pop's : he was like hypnotized... I don't think I've ever had that effect on him.

That's why I confronted him. I needed it. When he said that he loved me, my heart went faster. But the next second, he rejected me. Supposedly he would not be "good enough" for me... I can't believe he thinks that ! He is what I have always dreamt about. It was probably his excuse to avoid saying : You're just a good friend, Betty...

Anyway, today it's Monday. That means I have to go back to highschool, and see Archie again... It was hard to ignore all his texts this week-end, but at least, I had the time to think. Now, I feel ready to face him. I might have spent the weekend crying in my bedroom, but I intend to move on from here !

"Hey, honey."

I quickly hide my diary under my pillow, as my parents enter the room. They have the habit to check on me every morning, before leaving for work. They are both editor-in-chief of the Register, a local journal they founded together in Riverdale.

"We just wanted you to know, it's gonna be a bit of a late night for us.", informs my dad.

"It's gonna be a lot of late nights for us !", tosses my mom. "I mean, an accidental drowing, who cares ? But the sociopathic son of the wealthiest family in town murdered ? That's a national obsession waiting to happen !", she adds, sneering, satisfied at the idea of this newsflash.

She's certainly referring to the second most tragic event of this week-end : Jason's corpse, found by Kevin at Sweetwater River, and the wound, still visible on his forehead, proving that his death was much more than just hydrocution.

"He's barely in his grave, Alice.", my dad reminds her, trying to temper the situation.

"Can you warm up the car, Hal ?", she interrupts him. "I'll be right down."

My father shakes his head, and leaves the room giving me a sympathetic look, as saying : Good luck, you will need it ! Then, my mother walks toward me, and sits on the edge of my bed, with her eternal insincere smile on her face.

"Betty, you know what I love most about you ?", she asks me, taping on my knee. "It's that you always want to see the good in people."

I fake a smile. No need to beat about the bush, I know exactly what she is getting at.

"Even people like Cheryl Blossom, Veronica Lodge, and Archie Andrews.", she says, emphasizing on their names. "But when they betrayed you this week-end, you saw their true colors didn't you ?", she adds, in a bitter tone.

"I did. Definitely.", I nodd.

"So no backsliding. No Cheryl, no Veronica, and..."

"No Archie.", I finish, in a confident voice.

And yet, I find myself waiting outside the house next door 10 minutes later...

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