Chapter 15 (Betty) - "One more chance"

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"Oh my god, those are gorgeous !", exclaims Kevin, as we enter the administrative office of Riverdale High.

I take a step closer to see the object of his contemplation, and I discover a huge bouquet of canary-yellow flowers. Lovely.

"Are those for Betty, Miss Phillips ? Is that why you called her ?", asks my friend.

The secretary, an elderly lady, nods slowly in our direction, before going back to her activities, in disregard. Without waiting for my permission, Kevin takes the card offered with the bouquet. For one second, I hope this is coming from Archie.

"Dear Betty, please forgive me. XOXO, V.", he reads. "Who the hell is V ?", he adds, intrigued.

I sigh, a bit disappointed : the sender's identity isn't hard to guess. Obviously, the one person who may have even more to apologize for than Archie is...

"Veronica !", declares the interest party, who just burst into the room.

Kevin and I stare at her warily, while she comes to meet us, all smiles.

"The yellow is for friendship.", informs the newcomer. "I also had Magnolia cupcakes flown in from New York, because as my mom likes to say : there is nothing better than cupcakes to fix your mistakes ! And I booked us a manicure session for two at the beauty salon."

I don't really know how to react. I mean sure, Veronica deeply hurt me, but I can see that she is trying hard to redeem herself. And I have to say that she's pretty convincing.

"I'm so, so sorry, Betty. I don't know what happened to me, that night.", she continues, afflicted. "It was such a basic bitch-move. It was like I was possessed by..."

"Madame Satan ?", completes Kevin, with arms crossed.

"Rather the old Veronica.", she says, with a genuinely sorry look on her face. "And I would never, ever do anything like that to you again, I swear. Can you please just give me one more chance ?"

I don't have the heart to argue with her today. I want to move on, so we might as well get this whole thing over with as quickly as possible. Besides, if I don't answer her now, I feel like she's not going to let go of my hand. I still allow myself a few seconds of thinking, just to make her wait a little.

"Okay.", I finally speak, indifferently.

"What ?", Kevin cries out, outraged.

Veronica seems equally surprised : like what, I can also play the unpredictable girl.

"Really ? Awesome !", she exclaims, giving me a large smile. "I'll take it. You won't regret it !", she promises, before walking away.

Kevin turns toward me, and shakes his head in disbelief.

"It was the easiest way out, Kev.", I explain to him. "A week ago, Veronica and I weren't friends... Next week, we'll nod to each other as we pass in the hall, but that's it. In two weeks, she won't even remember my name ! And in three, she'll already have chosen another girl to destroy."

Kevin still doesn't seem convinced by my decision. I don't care if I look like a hypocrite for forgiving her too quickly. I'm tired of fighting against the entire world. In any case, I needed this reconciliation to move forward in life, and get over Archie Andrews' rejection. It will be long and difficult, but one day, I'll end up chasing this horrible weekend from my memory. However, to forget, one must first learn how to forgive.

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