Clap? (ch-7)

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^ why he is shooo kyoottee(cute)


In dark moon pack (junkook's pack)

"It's our baby's birthday in few weeks.. What are we supposed to do what if he is not our baby's mate?? Hobi.. " - yoongi asked with worried and panick in his voice.

"Baby.. Shhh.. I told you nothing will be like that.. You know him so well.. He will never hurt our baby.. Not intentionally atleast..." Hoseok tried to convince yoongi. But who we are talking about right now is yoongi!!! The swager of swags!!

" NOOO!! you are not understanding it... I don't want that thing to be happen again!! I don't want to loose him nor my baby again... Try to fucking understand you stupid shitty horse face alpha!!! We need to do something.. As soon as possible!!! "..
" No.. No.. We need to do something... Ahahahahaha!! Think of something.. Yoongi.. Think of something.. Shit.. Shit..why can't this stupid sweg brain work at important times! "- yoongi said or should I say shouted at hoseok..

Hoseok pov ;)

Yoongi was on full panic mode.. I understand him because no want that nightmare... more like fate...comes true again... Who wants there babies to get hurt again.. No one right.. But that doesn't mean he can call me fucking horse face and on top of that shitty alpha!! Like me.. Shitty??? How??!!

Ohh god!! I don't know how to make yoongi believe that nothing is gonna happen again!!

And before I could process or said anything.. The next word he said makes me numb.. How can he.. No.. No.. He is just panicking... Calm down hoseok!!

Author pov.

"I think we need to leave this place or maybe get rid of him.. "- yoongi said.. "What are you saying.. Do you even understand..what the fuck you just said right now?? " - hoseok said because that's not like his wifeu.. His jagiya.. His baby.. His swegu.. (Hoseok pov)
Ohkk!! Hoseok we get it!! He is your lifeuuu!!! But like can you focus on your lifeuu??First??He is fucking panicking!!

"Sit down yoongi"- hoseok said with some authority in his voice .. " No.. I can't sit.. I need to do something "- yoongi replied still pacing in there bedroom;)

( hoseok and yoongi bedroom)

" I said place your fucking ass on the bed! "- hoseok said with his stern face in alpha voice.. " But-"."I said sit the fuck down!! Or do you want me to punish you??"- hoesok replied now somewhat irritated.. we can sit the fuck down???🤔. Point to be noticed right!!! Anygays!!

Yoongi sat on the bed without any more argument.. It's not like alpha voice can do something to him..instead he did because he know if he don't.. Than maybe.. His ass wouldn't be able to see tomorrow's sun;) know what I mean? Right?? ;) you perverty guysuuu!!! >∆<

"First.. Nothing will happen to our baby bunny... Second how dare you to call me shitty alpha"- hoseok said.. with voice reaching octave lower , So much authority.. That any other omega can submit...

" What I said was tru-" Before yoongi can complete his sentence.. He was already pinned on bed.. both hand above his head in alphas tight grip..

And before he could recognised and argue about what the fuck just happened.. His clothes were already..discarded somewhere on the floor.. His ass is faced towards hoseok..He gulps.... Because he knows he has hit the bottom line of his alpha.

"You fucking alph-" Yoongi was cut by... A harsh spank on his juicy ;) ass..
"Dare to said that again baby" HoseOk voice was laid with such seductivness
yet there was a major hint of authority.. That scream not to insult your alpha!

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