Chapter 3

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Suddenly I feel a worst pain in my stomach. Did this motherfucker just stab me? I feel blood driping down my clothes and everything turnes black.

He should be knocked out now. So this guy this morning was serius. It's really not easy to be an agend of the Survey Corps. There's always someone who sends a hitman to kill you. When you have a job like me, you're always prepaired for something like this. But it's exausting anyways. And if I'm right this hitman is Nightshot. One of the most dangerus men in America. The Survey Corps are looking for him for years. Could it be, that I just caught him? That would be quite amazing. But now I'm interestet in who this guy is. I rip his mask up and am surprised. This boy is probably just 18 or something. And wy does he look so familiar? I don't know. I should probably take him into the basement first and call Erwin. I grab the boy's shirt and pull him through the house into my basement. Okay, he's bleeding quite much. I tie him on a deep liying pipe and go upstairs to get a sanitising kid. I go back to the basement and start supply the stabbing wound I did to Nightshot earliyer. After I'm done I take out my phone and call Erwin.

,,Erwin Smith."
,,Hi, Erwin. I've got news for you."
,,What is it, Levi?"
,,I think I just caught Nightshot."
,,W-wait, what? Explain."
,,He came in and held a gun to my head. I stabbed him and now he's tied up in my basement."
,,Okay. I'm not in the country at the moment. I'll send Hanji to you."
,,Okay, but tell her to hurry up."
,,I will."

Erwin hangs up. ,,Hey, you!" ,,Hm?" I turn around and see, that Nightshot is awake. ,,Look who's awake!", I say. In this moment I look straight into his eyes and remember.

Levi's flashback

It's cold. So cold. I don't know how long I've been walking around like this. I have no idea how long my legs will be able to hold my week body. Everything hurts. Suddenly my legs give up and I fall to the ground. Here I'm liying now, on a sidestreet in nowhere. I'm probably gonna die here. I don't want to but I can't change that. I haven't eaten for over a week and it's winter. I wrab my arms around my body and cry. All I want is to lie in my warm bed and have my mother to comfort me. But she's dead. She has been killed right infont of me and I just stood there and could do nothing. And now I'm liying here in the snow and wait for death. Suddenly I notice someone running into the sidestreet. I lift my head up and see a boy maby my age. He's carriying a little bag around his arms wrapped tied around it. He looks like he also haven't eaten for weeks and it seems like he's been running away from something. He has wild, black hair and wears a big, black pullover. He looks around like he wants to make sure he's alone and opens the little back. The delicius smell of fresh bread comes into my nose and I feel my stomac grumbling. The black haired boy turnes around and looks at me. He probably noticed me. ,,Hey, are you still alive?", he asks. I just nood. I'm to week to say anthing. The boy walks towards me and holds out his hand to me. I grab it and he helps me to sit up. He grabs in his back and pulls out a big slice of bread. ,,Here, you look like you're hungry." Incredulous I look at the bred. I grab it carefully and the smell gives me goosebumbs. I still can't believe I've got something to eat. Carefully I take a bite. And another. I continiue eating until there's no bread left. For the first time in weeks I'm full. The boy sits beside me and looks at me. ,,What's your name?", he asks. ,,I'm Levi.", I answer quitely. ,,I'm Y/N." I nood. Y/N takes out another slice of bread an starts eating it. ,,Were did you get this from?", I ask carefully. ,,I stole it from a backery.", he answers. ,,I have to go now, or my father's gonna kill me. Was nice to meet you, Levi." And after this, Y/N dissapears.

I've never saw him again after this. I couldn't even say thank you. And now the boy who saved my life were send to end it. How ironic. The big, green eyes full of hate.

At this point I want to excuse myself for my bad english at some points. I'm german and trying my best. Thank you for reading!

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