Chapter 6

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,,Hey Levi, are you okay? You seem kinda off today.", Hanji says while putting a book back into the shelf. ,,Yea, I'm fine. I just wabt to get that idiot out of here, that's all.", I answer. ,,Levi, it's been two weeks now and you weren't like this the whole time. I'm not stupid, you know. Just tell me what's wrong." I sight. ,,I told you, I'm fine. It's nothing." ,,It's not. What's so worse about telling me? And here I thought we're friends.", she says sad. ,,I'm just a little tierd, that's all. Now shut up." Hanji sights. ,,I won't get you to say, won't I?" ,,Right. You won't." ,,Fine. I'm.going to get something. See you." ,,See you."  Hanji leaves the house and I'm alone. I thought, she knows me good enough to know, that I don't talk about my feelings. And of course not in the actuell sitiuation. I know I should go down and try to get some information from this bastart but I can't. I just can't. But I'm planning to do it today. That's wy I'm so off today. Because I don't want to go down there. I sight. I'm better doing it now or I'm changing my mind again. I grab the basementkey and go down. ,,Wow, I didn't thought you'd come down here.", Y/N says oversurprised. ,,Shut up. I just have some questions for you. And you're going to answer them or it's gonna be more worst for you.", I say, grab a chair and sit infront of the assasin. ,,Do you really think, I'll answer one of your stupid questions?", he says. ,,You'll have to, if you don't want to die." ,,You won't kill me." ,,Wy do you think that?" ,,Because I'm to important to you. You need information from me. Or wy else are you keeping me alive?" Fuck, he's right. Just with the difference, that I'm not sure wy I'm keeping him alive. I could just kill him right away, but I don't. He diesn't have any importance for the Survey Corps. Then wy am I keeping him alive? ,,What's you full name? You only told me your first name." I regret this question so unbelievable much. ,,Wy do you care?" ,,For research." Y/N sights. ,,My full name is Y/N Forster." Forster? Is this a coincidence? Okay, I have to ask or I won't be able to calm down for the next few weeks. ,,Are you maby related to James Forster?" I can hear his breath stopping. I think I hit a nerve. ,,I'm not. There're are many people called Forster." ,,Yea, you're right, but from your reaction I can sence, that I was right. How are you related to him?" ,,I'm not related to him. I were loked up in this basement for weeks. Everyone would act weard after that." I grab my gun and hold it to his head. ,,The gun again? How creative.", Y/N says bored. ,,But it helps, doesn't it? So, will you answer me now?" ,,You won't let go, won't you?" ,,Yea." The black haired sights. ,,He was my stupid father. Are you happy now?" He were James son? I always new he had children, but I never met one of them. James Forster was my mentor when I was younger. He tought me littelary everything I know. I haven't heard of him for a while, so I just forgot about him. But I heard, that he and his family were found dead in his house. Wy is his son still alive? ,,What about if I ask a question now? How do you know this bitch who named himself my father?" ,,None of your interest." ,,You're aware of that were talking here of my fucking father. So: Were do you know him from?" I come closer to him. ,,Some things should stay in the past." Without I notice anything, everything turnes black.

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