Chapter 4

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Fuck, everything hurts. Wy the hell am I still alive? I just got fucking stabbed and now I'm liying here on the floor tied on a shitty pipe, with the person infront of me, witch I was supposed to kill. And wy is he starring at me like that? Like he just saw a ghost. ,,What's your name?", he asks. ,,As if I'd tell you." Suddenly he pulls out a gun and holds it to my head. ,,I ask once again: What is your name?" I sight. ,,Y/N. Now put that fucking gun away from my head!" The guy just keeps looking at me. ,,Do you know, who I am?", he asks. ,,No, should I?" He puts the gun in my mouth. Is he gonna kill me? ,,Do you know my name?" Bitch, I have a fucking gun in my mouth, how the fuck should I answer? Suddenly someone enters a room. It's a brunette woman with a glasses on her nose. ,,Hi Levi! Sorry for keeping you waiting.", she says and smiles. ,,How the hell did you get in here, foureyes ", Levi says annoyed and puts the gun out of my mouth. ,,Oh, who's that addorable boy on the floor?", the woman asks. ,,He's a murderer and his name is Y/N. And he's defintly not adorable.", Levi answers. ,,He's littelary a child. How can he kill people?" ,,I'm not a child! I know I look like fucking 18 but I'm 28!",I shout and Levi kicks me in my face. ,,Shut up.", he says. I feel blood coming out my nose and dripping on the floor. ,,What do you think, we should do with him now? It's probably to dangerus to keep him here. And we can't call the police because they will catch us to.", the brunette says and looks at Levi. ,,I can handle him for first. I think we should wait for Erwin to come back and then see what we'll do." The woman sights. ,,Guess you're right. But I'm staying with you. Just for the case something happens." ,,Fine. But don't make a mess in my house, understand?" I can't believe, what  I just heard. I really have to stay locked up in this basement. God, I just wanted to do a fucking job! Who even is that man? Is he a cop? Probably not. They just talked about being caught by the police. Could it he a member of the Survey Corps? Is that even possible? The Survey Corps is a secret organisation witch is fighting against the criminals, witch the police can't defeat. I'm on there list too. The police hates them for some reason I really don't understand. I mean, the Survey Corps helps the police, or am I wrong? If Levi is a Survey Corps member, then I was send to kill a fucking special agend, who is nearly impossible to kill. Now I'd really like to know who gave me this job. When I get out of this, I will kill this person. But first I have to kill this Levi. If I don't, I would break my last rule and that would be the worst thing I could do. I'm never breaking my rules and I defintly won't do this time.

Five rules (Levi X male reader) !paused!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu