Chapter 10

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And another week has gone without that anything special happend. But it's probably better like this. If anything happend, then I would be stressed and I don't want to be stressed. It blockes my concentration so in some ways I'm happy that nothing happens. I use my freetime mostly to draw. I really like drawing because it helps me to calm down and forget about everything. When I go through my drawings, I always see my mothers face. I'm drawing her littelary every day since she died because I was scared to forget her looks. I still am. My mother was beatifull. Her red hair looked like she just washed it with blood and her eyes were blue like the see. I hate myself for becoming sentimal when I think about her, but she were the only person I'm sure I loved. But my father detroyed everything. But then I remember something. Ackerman sayed, that he knew him. I think, I'm going to ask him soon, even though he'll probably doesn't want to answer. I have my ways to get him to. But not now. It's by the way very ironic that I once saved his life and now I'm planning to kill him. If I didn't fell with him, then I wouldn't be in this shitty sitiuation now. But I can't change the past. Suddenly I hear loud sounds over me. What the fuck is this shorty doing? I sight annoyed and go upstairs to Ackerman's room. ,,He shorty! What the fuck are you doing in there? Whatever it is, stop it!", I shout and bang against the door. ,,Calm down, I just fell on the floor!" What the- ,,Wy the fuck did you fell?" ,,Because there's a giant spider!" ,,Don't tell me you're afraid of a little spider!" No answer. ,,Fuck it and deal with it! It's just a spider!" Suddenly there's a loud noise. ,,Stop being so goddam loud!" I unlock the door and see Ackerman standing with one of his shoes in his hand. He probably killed the spider or something. ,,Can you be quite now?", I say annoyed. Ackerman noods. Now is the right time to ask him. ,,You told me something at once. You knew my father. But scince you're in my age it's weard, because he died when I was twelfe." I'm not gonna mention, that I killed him. Not yet. ,,I also told you, that I'm not going to tell you." I pull out my gun and point on him. ,,What about now?" He wants to die, but fuck it. Ackerman crosses his arms infront of his chest and leans against the wall. ,,You're not gonna shoot me. That wouldn't make scense for you." Fuck, he's right. ,,But if you want to know it so bad, then I'm going to tell you. Your father was my mentor. He picked me up and trained me until I were ten. Then he suddenly dissapierd and after a few years I heard that he and his family were found dead." ,,And how did he treat you?" ,,Normal, I guess. I were young to that time, but I remember him being pretty nice." I laugh sarcasticly. I just can't imagene my father being nice to anyone. ,,What is so funny?", the raven asks. ,,Listen: My father were an asshole, who raped and beat me up multiple times. He killed my entire family and the only choise I had was to kill him. Sorry, but I just can't imagene him being nice." Ackerman looks at me like kind shocked. Well, I think, I just told him my entire past. I really didn't plan to do that, but okay. ,,So you were the one who killed James. Wy?" I sight. ,,I just fucking explained it!" ,,I got it. It's just hard to realise."

I just can't imagene, that the man, who were littelary my father figure did that to his family. Now it's no wonder, that Y/N became like this. He never knew it different. But becoming a serial killer...There would be other options. When I look up, he's gone. I still have to realise, what I just heard. Everybody liked James and he always talked about his perfect family life. I didn't thought about how fucked up it really was.

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