Chapter 11

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,,What the hell!", the other male shouts as I throw his phone against his head. ,,Since you don't know were we are, I thought you could make some calls and tell everyone you're fine. Iff you say a word about me I'm going to hurt you very bad.", I say and sit on a chair. I preparaited Ackerman's phone so it can't be tracked by anyone. ,,And turn it on loud, so I  can hear everything." The raven starts the call.

,,Hey, Erwin."

,,Levi! Were are you? Amd were's the assasin you told me about? Hanji called me completely in panic because you both weren't there."

,,I'm fine. I'm at a save place right now and won't come back so far."

,,Okay. Good to know that you're alive. But if you can, come back soon."

,,I'm tying. See you."

He hangs up and starts to call someone else.

,,Hi brat. How are you?"

,,Hey, Levi. I'm fine but what about you? I haven't heard from you for over  a month and since you're my boyfriend.."
I can't believe who's voice I hear there. It's Eren's. Levi is his boyfriend? I thought he's with Mikasa.

,,Listen, you little shit, we broke up six months ago. You're not my boyfriend anymore."

,,Hey, calm down! Were even are you?"

,,I had to go on a trip because of my job. I don't want to argue. I just want to talk."

,,And what do you want to talk about? About how a stupid idiot I am?"

,,Eren! I'm probably not going to survive this shit! I got into something and can't get out! This is probebly the last time I'm talking to you so I don't want to agrue about that pointless shit!"

,,I remember you saying you hate me. So wy did you call me? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you did and regret the mess I've made, but wy now?"

,,Did you even listend to one word I've said? I hate you, that's right. But I just wanted to say goodby."

,,Goodby. But I'm going to call you soon to check if you're still alive. Because if you believe it or not: I still care for you."

The call ends and Ackerman throws the phone on the bed. ,,Shitty brat.", he whispers. I just sit there and stare. ,,What should I say about that?", I ask and lean back. ,,Better nothing. If you don't mind then just go away." ,,Okay. I'm going to check on you later." With these words I leave the room and go strait into the bathroom. I rip my clothes of my body, jump under the shower and sight. I don't know wy but the imagination of Ackerman being with someone else makes me fucking angry. I just can't explain it. I close my eyes and drift in my thoughts. He's under me. So bare, so beutifull. I put my lips on his neck and slide my fingers into his- What the fuck! Wy am I fantisysing about this shit? I'm usually not the type of person to think about something like that. And wy about this fucking shorty? Damnit.

I lay in my bed and stair in the air. I can't even talk to that shitty brat without starting an arguement. Eren and I were together for a year until he cheated on me. He broke my heart with that because I really loved him. Eren tryed to apolagice, but I just couldn't forgive him. He's still trying to get me back, but I don't give a fuck about him anymore. Suddenly the door jumps open and Y/N comes in. I'm surprised because he wears nothing accept a towel around his waist and he's probably coming out of the shower because his hair is still wet. He looks kinda confused and is blushing as fuck. He's probably not aware of that he's littelary nacked. ,,Ehm..Y/N, what about pans?", I ask. ,,Fuck!" He slams the door and comes back after a few minutes and is fully dressed. ,,Wy so confused?", I ask and smile sarcasticly. It's scary how casual our relationship became. This man is going to kill me and I'm just talking to  him like he's just a normal guy. Weard. Suddenly the assasin grabs my neck and looks at. ,,What is this shit about?",, I ask and try to get his hand away from me, but his grib is so strong, that even I can't break it. ,,You stay here with me for the rest of your goddamn live and I'll never let you go. Don't get near anyone else then me, have I made myself clear?" What the fuck is going on? ,,And when exactly did you decite that?", I ask. ,,Ten minutes ago." I don't know what to say about that. This guy creeps the shit out of me. A half hour ago he was like just a nice guy and now he looks at me like he's going to slit my throat open. Now it's no wonder that he's the most dangerus assasin in the country. He could be with normal people and no one would notice anything weard on him. That's wy he hasn't been caught yet. This man is a true psychopath and a murderer.

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