Chapter 7

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Were am I? I can sense I'm liying in a bed or something like that. Have I fanted? Seems like it. Did I get a hit on my head! If yes, then wy did I fante because of that? I usually never fante because of a single hit. ,,Isn't it funny how fast the roles can be changed?" I sit up and look around. I realise I'm in a white room with just the bed were I'm liying in the corner. Over me is a little window, from were the sun shines in my face. I look into the other corner and there stands Y/N. I try to stand up, but I'm cuffed on the bed. I wonder, wy I'm still alive. Weren't he ment to kill me? ,,Wy did you brought me here? You could have killed me, but you brought me here instead.", I ask. ,,I'm not in the mood to kill you. Maby another time." These are the words of a true serial killer. He's saying it like it's the normals thing on the world to kill people based on your mood. ,,You're crazy.", I wisper, just loud enough for the assasin to hear. ,,Maby I am. But that's the funny thing, isn't it? A crazy person is unpredictable. You don't know, what the person is going to do next. That's what's so funny. Make yourself comfortable, you'll stay here for the rest of your life." ,,Wait, I-" He's gone. I lean back and sight. What a stupid situation. I never should have joined the Survey Corps. If I didn't I could live a normal life with normal problems. But no, I had to become a Survey Corps special agend with hundreds of people, witch want to kill me. In witch part of Amerika am I even now? Or am I in a completly different country?

I'm really not in the mood to kill anybody. I'm still kinda depressed about the fact, that I wasn't able to kill Ackerman in the first place. And now I don't want to. I know, this sounds weard but it is true. I never failed to finish a job at the first try. I'm gonna kill him when it's time, but this time is not yet. I throw myself on the couch and sight. I should relax for today. It was a rough day and the sun is already going down. After I hit Ackerman down I took his carkey, put him in the car and drove to the place were I've hidden a few times before. It's a old bunker wich was used in war. Over the years I took some things down here and now it looks just like a little flat. I really like to be here, but I only come down here when I have no other place to go. Like this time. I realise how tired I am. I wrap my arms around my body and finally fall in a dreamless sleep. When I wake up next morning, it's already ten in the morning. I haven't sleept this long for months. It feels good. I stand up and go into the kitchen, when I realise I have nothing there. Seems like I have to go to a near shop and buy something. I put on my shoes, go up the stairs and leave the bunker. I breath in the fresh morning air and enter the car I stole from Ackerman yesterday. I drive in the next City and buy some things. I should be able to come around with that the next few weeks. I drive back to the bunker and start making myself breakfeast. Then I remember that I there is someone who probably needs something to eat. Even tho I want to kill him, I want him to be fully alife when I do it and not nearly starved to death. I grab a slice of bread and walk up the stairs to the room, were I locked up Ackerman. I unlock the door and see him sitting on his bed. ,,Go away.", he says and looks at me angry. Without saying anything, I throw the bred infront of him. ,,You don't really think, I'm gonna eat this." ,,If your hunger striking, then I think I have to force you to eat. Because I won't let you starve to death." ,,Logic?" ,,There's not any. I'm crazy, remember? So, are you going to eat or not?" ,,It's to far away. I can't reach it." I sight, close the door behind me and uncuff Ackerman with one hand at my gun. ,,Here, now you can reach it.", I say and leave the room.

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