Kapitel 9

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,,Because I love you. That's wy I'm keeping you alive. I don't want to loose you." Y/N grabs my chin and presses his lips against mine. I open my eyes and sight. What a shitty dream. Wy am I dreaming something like that the whole time? I sit up and go through my hair. The first time I remember dreaming this shit was exactly three weeks ago. I have no idea wy. I don't have any feelings for Y/N but I keep dreaming, that he's confessing to me and in these dreams I'm happy about it. And when I wake up I don't even feel bad about it. Suddenly the assasin bumbs into the room. ,,Wake up, Ackerman! You have to- Are you okay?", he says and looks at me confused. ,,Do I really look this fucked up?", I sight and look at him. ,,Yea, really fucked up. Are you okay now or not?" ,,I'm fine. What do you want. I told you to leave me alone." Y/N grabs in his pocket and pulls out a sclice of bread. Like every morning. But this time he doesn't just throw it infront of me. He reaches it to me. ,,This is so familiar.", I wisper, hoping he won't hear it. But of course he did. ,,What do you mean?" ,,Never mind. It's nothing." I grab the bred and take a bite. ,,I can see that something is bothering you. And at the moment I'm the only you can talk to, so..." He's right. Even though I'm far away from trusting him. I won't tell him anything. ,,Wy do you even care?", I ask und cross my armes infront of my chest. The blackhaired sights. ,,Were you even listening to one thing I told you?" ,,I don't care what you told me. I'm not stupid."

,,I know." That's the problem. ,,I have time, you know. I can stay here until you tell me what's going on." ,,And what if I try to flee?" ,,Then I will shoot you." I'm always crarying my gun around. Otherwise I wouldn't have uncuffed Ackerman. He sights. ,,You won't let go, won't you." I nood. ,,You saved my life at once. Are you happy now?" Huh? I can't remember meeting him before. And I'm  usually not the person, who's saving people's lifes. ,,Can't remember I did." ,,Of course you don't. It was a long time ago." I still don't understand. When the hell did I save his life? ,,Can you explain when? I still don't have any idea." ,,I think, I told you enough." I role my eyes. ,,You can't just start with something like that and then stop! At least one hint!" ,,I'm was the boy in the sidestreet." I start going through every memory, wich has something to with sidestreets and remember.

Y/N's flashback

I'm running faster as I ever run and hold the bag of bread tight against my body. The heat is burning into my skin, but I don't even thing about holding it any further away from my body. My father had forbitten me to eat for weeks and when I saw this bread in the backery, I couldn't hold myself back and stole it. The backer saw me and now I'm running away from him. A sidestreet. I can hide there. Only a few meters. Please! It feels like a half internaty, until I finally reach the saving sidestreet and run into it. I try to get my heartbeat down and lean against the wall. But there I notice something next to me. I look around and see a boy liying moveless in the snow. ,,Hey you! Are you still alive?", I ask. The boy noods slowly. I help him sitting up and look at hjm. He has sunken cheeks and his skin is littelary white. And I can barely see, that he had an undercut at once. He looks like he didn't eat for a month. I look at my bag and back to the boy. I grab in it and pull out a big slice of bread. ,,Here, you look like you're hungry.", I say and reach it to him. He looks at it like he can't believe it. He slowly grabs it and starts to eat. After he's done I sit next to him. ,,What's your name?", I ask and pull out the other slice of bred. ,,I'm Levi.", the boy answers quitely. ,,I'm Y/N", I say and smile. ,,I have to go now, or my father is gonna kill me." I stand up and go away without saying anything else.

That was Ackerman? That's wy his name sounded so familiar the whole time. I thought he died of starvation or something. I really didn't think he's alive. It's not like a single slice of bread can save you from starvation, or am I wrong? ,,Well, didn't thought you're still alive.", I just say. Wy does this hit me so hard right now? I'm probably just surprised.

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