Chapter 13

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The next days don't change obviusly, but with the time I noticed some things. I noticed Y/N touching me. Not obviusly or something,but he keeps sliding with his hand under my shirt or something like that. He does it for only a few seconds and acts like nothing happend. I guess he was serius about what he said a week ago. And I tryed to run away, but it didn't work. And I don't think I'm going to try it again so faar, because Y/N said he's going to rape me if I do it again, and I really don't want him to do that. Suddenly the door slams open and the assasin comes in. ,,You know, I'm still angry that you tryed to run away.", he says and leans against the door. I role my eyes and say nothing. I won't give him the joy and defense myself. ,,But I expected you'd try it one day. Hey, will you answer me?" I ignore him. ,,Oh, you're punishing me with staying scilent, don't you? Well, I can play like that to." Suddenly the assasin pins me on the bed and looks me straight in the eyes. Fuck, he's going to do it. I made him angry and now he's gonna make me pay for it. I try to get me free but he's to heavy. Suddenly Y/N starts to laugh. ,,You really thought I'm going to rape you, didn't you?" What? ,,I may be a murderer but I'm not a rapist. Rape is litelary the most disguasting thing in this godamn world.", Y/N laughs and goes of me. ,,Did I scare you with that?", he asks and goes through his hair. Yea, you did, you dumb, stupid bitch. ,,I guess that's a yes. Don't worry, I won't touch you until you say yes." This won't happen. I sit up and sight. ,,Here, for you", says Y/N and throws a bread at me. I catch it and look at it. ,,You should be thankfull. I'm giving you food, I'm giving you clothes, I'm keeping you save. Have I ever done something worst to you?" When I think about it, he's right. Except for kidnapping me, he's done nothing to me I didn't want. Not a single time. Nervosly I bite on my bottom lip so hard that I taste blood. ,,You look hot.", the other male says and I realise, that he's fucking close.

Shit, I want him so bad, but I'm not going to do it against his will. I know how rape is don't want even my biggest enemys to go through that. No, he will alow it in time. I just have to wait a little longer. ,,You're to close.", Levi says and looks down. I grab his chin and force him to look at me. ,,You have no idea how bad I want you.", I whisper. ,,Disguasting pervert.", the raven answers and pushes my hand away. ,,I promise, you'll beg for me soon. And by the way: I leave the door unlocked, so you can moove around a little bit. I locked  up every way out, so you won't have the chance to flee again.", I say and leave the room. Damn, was it hard to control myself when he was liying there under me, but I have to wait. I throw myself on my couch and sight. Is it really a good idea to let Levi walk around here? But I made everything save, so it should go well. I locked every weapon up and all doors are locket to. I can't have Levi trying to leave again. I need him here with me.

As if I'd go out there. I have no need too. I stayed for so long in this room, so I can stay here a little longer. But...Oh fuck it, I'm going out. I stand up from my bed and open the door. Infront of me are stairs wich are going down in a curve. I start walking it down and see a few rooms wich are looking like a flat. I notice that my room is the only one with windows. All that gives light down here are some week lamps. To be honest, it looks kinda comfortable. ,,Ha, I knew you would come down here." God, I can nearly see his stupid smirk. ,,Oh fuck off! I know you're just keeping me because you want to fuck me.", I answer annoyed and jump down the last stair. ,,I'm keeping you because I love you. There's a different, my dear." Ehm..what the fuck? ,,What did you just call me?" ,,You're smiling. I think, I'll call you this from now on." Am I really smiling? Seems like it. Y/N chuckels. ,,For that you hate me, you seem to like being with me." I role my eyes. ,,Yea, maby I kinda like it, but that doesn't mean I trust you." ,,Yea, I know." Suddenly the assasin comes so close, that there are only a few cm between us. ,,You're to close.", I say and look away. ,,Are you scared?", the other male asks and grabs my waists, pulling me closer to him. Wy am I doing nothing? I could just push him back, but insted I just stand there and accept it. Suddenly Y/N grabs my chin and looks at me. But it's not the forcing grab like bevore, it's gentle and soft. Suddenly the blackhead presses his lips against mine. Shit, I have to do something. But I kinda enjoy it. No,  I can't think like this. But it just feels so good. After a wile Y/N pulls back and looks at me. ,,Didn't think you'll let me do that." Same. I want him to do it again. I don't know wy but I want him to. ,,Do that again.", I say and grab Y/N's collar. ,,If you want." He crushes his lips against mine and we stay like that for a while. After he pulls back he looks at me again. ,,Let's go out. What would you think about that?" ,,Isn't that a little to risky? I could try to flee again." Y/N laughs a little. ,,You won't. And if you do, I'll kill straight away. You won't cause me any problems." Ah, that thing again. ,,Do I have a choice?", I ask. ,,Not really." No I'm the one who's laughing. The other male looks at me confused. ,,Did you just laugh?" Wow, I realise that this was the first time in years I really laughed. ,,I'm going with you.", I laugh and arch my body because I can't hold it in. ,,What's so funny?", Y/N asks and lays his hand on my back. ,,You say you love me but at the same time you want to kill me if I cause any problems. I can't with-" I can't even breath through my laughing. I can't with that kind of stupid. Suddenly I fall to the ground with Y/N on my back. ,,If you believe it of not, in every single one of my actions is logic.", he whispers in my ear and kisses the bottom of it. After that he goes of me and I sit up. ,,You should go back to your room now. I have to prepair something.", the blackhead says. ,,Can I at least take a shower of something?" I haven't showerd since I got here and it sucks. I feel terrible because of that. ,,Sure you can. There's the bathroom. Wait, I'm getting you some new clothes." It's creepy how fast this guy can change from the biggest psychopath to the nicest guy you could be. I sight. I'm really not sure how I should feel about Y/N. After the whole time we've been here together we got really close and are kinda stable now. But he's still a murdere and my feelings for him change littelary every day, but today I'm going on a date with him, so hey, let's not give a fuck right now! After a minute Y/N comes back and throws some clothes at me. He helps me up and shows me the bathroom. I close the door behind me, littelary rip my clothes of my body, turn of the shower and let the hot water run down my back. I sight at the feeling of the dirth and sweat washing down from me and lean against the cold wall. I stay like that until I finally feel clean again. After I'm done I dry me up, put on the fresh clothes and go back to Y/N.

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