Chapter 5

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I don't know how long I've been here. It's been probably three weeks or something. Like I've sayed, I'm not really sure. Everyday is littelary the same. I only sleep a few hours and in the morning (I think it is) the woman named Hanji comes down to me and brings me breakfeast and talks to me. I never answer but she keeps talking anyways. I started to ignore her. I just sit there and wait until she's gone. After that I just sit there and and think about how I can get out of here. I haven't came to a plan yet. All I know is that I have to get out of here if I don't want to go to jail or worse.  But how? I'm trapped in this stupid basement with no way out. It would be much easier, if this idiot Levi would come down here. He probably has the key for my handcuffs. I'm only cuffed with one hand, so I could easly knock him out and break out. But this idiot doesn't come down and I don't know what I could to do to make him to. So this isn't a plan. What else should I do then? I don't know. I go through my hair and sight. Now I'm questioning my whole life and without controlling it, I remember my childhood. The one day, I became who I am.

Y/N's flashback

,,Big bro, wake up! Big bro? Y/N!" Slowly I open my eyes. ,,What is it, Mick?", I ask sleepy. ,,It's about Teddy! I can't find him!" I sight. Of course. He's having a crisis about that little Teddybear. ,,You fell asleep on the couch, so I took you to bed. Teddy is probably still in the livingroom. You can get him tomorrow." My younger brother starts to cry. ,,We have to get him now! He needs me!" I sight. We can't get him. If Dad sees me, he's gonna kill me. I still have bruses from the last time he caught me. I went out because I was hungry and stole some bred. Dad found out and beat me up. I were not allowed to eat since that day. I wish, my mom would do something against it, but she's to scared. I try to hold Mick out of this as much as I can, but it's not always possible. ,,Please Y/N! I can't leave him alone!" My brothe starts to cry even more. ,,Fine. I'll get him. You stay here.", I say and get out of my bed. ,,Thank you, big bro!" I go into the livingroom and hear suddenly my mom and dad screaming. ,,You can't do this anymore! You're gonna kill us all!", I hear mom shouting. ,,Maby that's what I want!", dad shouts back. ,,Wait, what are you doing with this? No!" I hear my mum screaming and then scilence. What happend? Is she dead? That can't be. I grab Mick's teddy an run back to my room, were my younger brother already waits. ,,Here's Teddy. We're sleeping in the closet tonight. Just for fun.", I say and try not to cry. ,,Cool!", Mick laughs and takes my hand. I pick him up and run with him into the closet. I close the door and wrap my arms around Mick. I'll protect him. No matter what. I look at him and he's already asleep. Suddenly I hear footsteps outside. ,,Were are you, little ones? I know you're here. Come out and play?", my dad says. I hold my breath. This is the end. I'm going to die today with only 12 years. The closet door goes open and my father looks at me. In his hand he holds a bloodsprencelt knife. ,,Here you are!", he says and rips Mick out of my hands. He's still sleeping. At least he will notice nothing. I close my eyes and just hear the heartbreaking stabbingsound. Please no! I open my eyes again and look my father in the eyes. I can't describe, how much I hate him. In this moment I loose every control over my body. My hands grab Dads hand and rib the knife out of them. Now I'm holding it. ,,What are you planning to do with that? Do you want to kill me? I bet you can't! You're nothing more then a little boy who has no clue of life!" Without saying another word, I dig the knife in my father's chest and he's falling instantly to the ground. He's dead. My whole family is dead. I pic  Mick's little week body up from the ground and look at him. He still looks, like he's just sleeping, if you're ignore the bleeding wound on his belly. I lay him in his bed and put the blanked over his body. Now he could be just a sleeping boy. I give him a kiss on the forehead and leave the room. Somehow I find myself in my parents bedroom, were my mother lies. The whole bed is sprencelt with her blood. I realise, how beatifull she is. I want to cry, but I can't. It's like every emotion left my body. I think, it happend in the moment when I stapped dad. Will I ever be able to feel anything? And were should I go now? My whole family is dead. I have nowhere to go.

That was the day, I realised how cruel the world is. The day I became who I am. I never wanted to be like my father and I don't think I am. Am I even worst? Probably.

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