66. in the joberry field

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The better part of the day had been spent trying to figure out ways to free Clarke from the grip of Josephine. 

Jackson and I bounced ideas off of one another, but we had not yet come up with a concrete plan. We needed Abby and Raven's input...we needed more time. 

About halfway through our brainstorming process, I was forced to excuse myself in order to go pick Greer up from school. B.A, who was unaware of what we were talking about, but aware of our constant brainstorming, had offered to do it for me. But I couldn't accept her offer. I wanted to be there for Greer. She deserved that. 

The smile she gave me when I picked her up made missing part of the meeting worth it. Her smile was enough to light up my darkest days.

"Hey Bug." I greeted, gently ruffling her hair as she wrapped her arms around my leg, looking up at me with her blue eyes. "How was your day?" I questioned, letting out a small grunt as I bent down to pick her up. 

She held out the picture she had painted- pink like Bellamy had asked. "Good." she answered. "I painted this for Bellamy."

I grinned, adjusting her on my hip as we approached the tavern. "He is going to love it." I whispered, raising my brows in excitement. 

She beamed at me, reaching up to hastily push her curls out of her face. "Can we play a game tonight?" she wondered. 

"What kind of game?"

She gave a small shrug. "My daddy used to pick the game."

I felt a small pang in my heart as I nodded. "Okay. How about tonight, we'll play whatever game you want. How does that sound?"

Her smile was smaller this time, but nonetheless she gave me a small nod as I reached out and pulled the doors to the tavern open. 

The minute we were inside, Bellamy was quickly approaching us. But instead of wearing an excited smile at the sight of Greer, he looked distressed. 

I quickly set Greer down, allowing her to grasp onto my leg as she watched Bellamy make his way toward us. "He looks sad." she whispered. 

Looking down at her briefly, I forced a smile onto my face. "It's okay, G."

Once he reached us, Bellamy forced a smile onto his face similar to the way I had. "Hey, Greer." Dropping to his knees, he looked over to where B.A stood, her expression soft. 

"You're going to go hangout with B.A for a little bit, okay? Avery and I have some work to do."

Greer's face fell slightly as she shook her head. "But I want to stay with you guys." she whimpered, causing my heart to break. 

I gave Bellamy a sad look as I lowered myself down to Greer's level. Taking her little hand in my own, I turned her to face me. "Bell and I have to go help one of our friends. But once she's safe, I promise I'll come back for you and we'll all be together again."

Letting out a small sniffle, she silently handed her painting to Bellamy. "I made this for you."

I swear that child was trying to purposely break our hearts. The expression on Bellamy's face said it all. 

Taking it from her, he pulled her into a tight hug. "Be good for B.A." he instructed. "We'll see you soon."

Once he had released her, Greer turned to me and threw her little arms around me. "I love you."

I looked to Bellamy who's face had softened in admiration as he watched the two of us. Holding onto Greer a little tighter, I nodded. "I love you too, Bug."

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