Interstellar Conflict

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Y/N Romanoff Creed was taken by the Ten Rings and turned into a Godslayer. After he escaped, he lived a life of crime before turning it around and become.....


The Strikers numbers continued to grow with the addition of Molly Hayes, a you g mutant picked up from a group of runaways. But while Monster and Dagger struggle with their growing feelings for each other, the Strikers contiue to train for their next battle.

Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Cloak, Dagger, Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Toxin, Bruiser

SHEILD: Mockingbird

Unaffiliated: Sabertooth

Avengers: Captain Marvel


You let out a yawn as you sat in the Quinjet next to Wanda and Robbie.

Tandy: Any reason why we had to leave so early? The sun won't be up for another three hours.

Victor: Missions don't wait for you to wake up from your beauty sleep.

Everyone groaned as Bobbi flew the jet towards the research station. It was ran by a space centered group that called themselves Alpha Flight. Unfortunately, you would only be meeting their leader.

At the current moment, Molly was asleep, leaning on Victor, while Robbie struggled to keep his eyes open. Tyrone was even trying his hardest to stay awake.

You, Laura, and Wanda were pretty used to waking up this early thanks to Laura's time in the X-Men and Widow's surpise training sessions.

Tandy: Look, all I'm saying it doesn't have to be all work work work. I say we should get away. Take a break and relax. Have some fun!

Bobbi: Science is fun.

You all looked at her but she just shrugged without looking back.

Bobbi: Stare at me all you want. Doesn't matter. Get ready to land.

The Quinjet reached the research center, located between some hills a couple of miles away from the nearest town, and touched down on the landing pad. You all got up and walked off the jet.

It was freezing.

Y/N: Maybe Tandy is right. I think Tony could set us up with something.

Bobbi: Tony? Why would you ask Tony?

???: You mean besides the good looks, money, and armor?

You all looked around but the voice came from above. You all looked up as a glowing figure slowly landed in the platform.

Bobbi: Carol. I'm so glad you called. I missed you.

Carol: I missed you too, Bobbi.

Carol: I missed you too, Bobbi

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