The Final Host Arc #1

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Y/N Romanoff Creed was taken by the Ten Rings and turned into a Godslayer. After he escaped, he lived a life of crime before turning it around and become.....


The Strikers numbers continued to grow with the addition of Molly Hayes, a young mutant picked up from a group of runaways. But while Monster and Dagger struggle with their growing feelings for each other, the Strikers contiue to train for their next battle.

However, a new visitor to Burns may bring trouble.

Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Cloak, Dagger, Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Toxin, Bruiser

Unaffected: Enchantress


You stared at the door before you heard footsteps to the side. Wanda stopped when she saw you and raised a brow.

Wanda: Darling?

Y/N: This door is new.

Wanda looked at you confused before she looked at the door. Indeed, this door wasn't there before. This was the manor once again messing with you. Or Burns itself.

Wanda: What's inside?

You sighed.

Y/N: I don't know. I've been trying to open this door since I woke up. It won't even budge.

Wanda hummed and lifted her hands. She tried to cast magic upon it, but it was no use. Wanda pouted.

Wanda: That's never happened before.

You just shrugged.

Y/N: Whatever. If we can't get in, whatever is inside can't get out. I hope.

You and Wanda looked at each other uncertain. But that was quickly stopped when you heard a knock echo through the manor. You had a visitor.

Y/N: Uh, were we expecting anyone?

Wanda shook her head. You both headed to the front door but you found Robbie already there. He opened the door and looked at whoever was standing there.

Robbie: Uh, hi?

You eventually reached a place where you could see who it was that was at the door. Your eyes grew wide.

Amora: Hello. I'm looking for...

Y/N: You!

The two both turned around just as you flew past Robbie. You tackled Amora into the snow while Wanda and Robbie rushed out to stop the fight.

Amora: Ah. I see you missed me.

Y/N: What are you doing here?!

You popped out your claws and held them to her neck. She worked to the Ten Rings. She was a villain.

Amora raised her hands up as Tandy and Laura walked out to see what the commotion was.

Tandy: What's going on here?

Laura sniffed the air and her eyes grew wide.

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