Chapter Eighteen

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North Sun was terrific. They played their songs for two hours, constantly being cheered on by the fans and even people who didn't really know who they were. Sweat poured from the bands faced, the bright lights helping that factor. Rob was pounding away on the drums, never losing a beat. Jason sung into the microphone, hypnotizing the audience in a trance. Callie stood by him, dancing in a small circle, waiting for her final song to come up. Rick continued to shake his head to get his bangs out of his place. Sam could not help but to wink at a group of girls who kept calling his name.

Abby stood by the sidelines gazing at the perfect band. Maybe it wasn't so much the band as it was Jason, who kept spotting in her in audience. Every time he looked at her, he's blush and turn away. Abby was so gobbled up in the band's music that she didn't even realize what was happing out in the real world, and she was doomed to find out.

The band was on their last song, a slow song which Callie had been anticipating to sing. She gathered herself up at the microphone, consuming it in her hands. Jason moved from his spot to the back where a piano had been set up. Usually Sam played the piano.

Jason placed his hands over the keys and waited for Rob to start off the song with a soft beat of his drum. Rick played on his electric guitar this one note that seemed to make the song dark and mysterious. Callie's mouth parted as she was ready to sing.

When she did, the whole audience went quiet, knowing her singing was like an angel. Everyone was lost in her voice. Emotion swept over them. When the chorus arrived, Rob picked up the temp and Sam joined in. Abby kept watching to see when Jason would start playing the piano. But the song kept on going until the very end when a special hook began, and that was when Jason played and only Jason followed by Callie's angelic voice.

Callie seemed to hold some sort of power of the audience. It was like she was the only divine power in the room. The only one in the room really.

As the song ended, the band members bowed, something they never did, but it seemed really appropriate. The crowd went wild, clapping their hands and jumping up and down. Abby found herself clapping too, a grin crossing his lips.

The band disappeared behind the curtains, leaving the volunteers to lead the whooping crowd out of the department.

Jason called Abby back after the crowd died down. Abby followed him backstage to where the band was sitting back in the chairs relaxing. Callie was sitting in front of the vanity stroking her hair with a brush. Sam was messing with his guitar.

"Abby," Jason began, "We wanted to thank you and the other volunteers for putting this whole shindig together. We're thanking you, really, because we know you personally." He mentioned.

"It was no problem. I really enjoyed it."

"I bet." Callie remarked.

"Callie, be nice." Jason told her.

"Seriously, Jason?"

"Callie, don't start again."

"I'm not starting anything. I'm just pointing out that it is sheer coincidence that Abby threw this whole thing together when she knows us for what, a week or two? It's kind of creepy if you ask me."

Abby said, "Maybe I better go."

"No, don't!" Jason said.


"Let her go," Callie said, "We don't need some sort of stalker around here anyways."

Abby gave her a dirty look and said, "I never stalked you, Callie. I go to this college and after wanting to fit in and make friends, I joined this committee. It was by, 'sheer coincidence,' that it was your band I helped set up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2011 ⏰

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