Chapter Five

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Abby couldn't sleep that night. Not one bit. But then again, who could? The incident that took place that night were too confusing and frightening for me to sleep. If Abby looked at the window, all she saw were glowing eyes looking in. But if she closed them, Abby could only see the images of what had happened.

They'd find the body. Then figure out what happen. Oh geez, her finger prints were on the garbage bag. She knew it. She just knew it. Okay, the garbage man would pick up the dumpster trash and then would dump it in a land fill. The bag would be disposed of and the body would eventually rot.

Abby waited for sunrise to move from her bed. She walked slumply across the hall and to the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. Coffee disgusted her. The only reason she kept a bag was because Daniel was a coffeeholic. To top it off, she stuck a few waffles in the toaster. Her hunger was increasing now. Abby guessed it was part of the change she was going through.

Speaking of which, she retrieved the pills and popped one in her mouth.

She smirked to herself. "Like this is even helping..."

The waffles popped up suddenly, causing her to jump. She picked them out, her fingers on fire, and placed them on a plate. Abby drenched the waffles in syrup and dribbled butter on top.

Devoured it. Yep, that's what she did. Abby devoured the waffles like there was no tomorrow. It wasn't even one minute before she finished eating the waffles that usually took her ten minutes. It was crazy. Very crazy. What was happening to her?

Abby set the dirty dishes in the dish washer and gulped down the last of her orange juice. Then, Abby made her way to the bathroom. The bathroom was a medium sized. The bath tub was to the very left with white curtains that had silver spiral designs printed on them. In the shower was a bottle of vanilla scented shampoo. Aside from that was a bar of plain soap and a purple razor. She was out of usual. Then there was the toilet with a soft, red rug cover over the lid. The sink was directly in the middle of the counter. The large mirror was dirty with fingerprints from making designs on the steam after a shower. The medicine cabinet was next to the light switch. It contained a few bottles of perfume, a few bottles of dark colored nail polish, and a bottle of bubble bath.

Oh, how Abby loved bubble baths. They were good times to relax. She always grabbed an interesting book, played some soft music, and climbed into the tub. Okay, what a cliche. That is so not what happened. First of all, she grabbed her MP3 player and played rock music as she soaked in the tub. Reading was not that easy for her. She would just read the first page and her mind would be somewhere else. In other words, she had a short attention span.

On the counter set a few facial scrubs and lotions, a toothbrush, almost empty toothpaste tube, a bar of citrus scented soap, and deodorant. Hanging on the wall in front of the counter was a small rack with red towels.

Abby brushed her teeth and washed her face, the cold water feeling good on her flushed face. She She grabbed her brush from under the counter and brushed through her chocolate locks. Abby then took out her make-up bag and pulled out the utensils. She dashed her cheeks with a light pink blush, smiling to blush over the balls on her cheeks. She then took out a shade of brown eye shadow, brushing over her eye lids. On the upper lids, she brushed it in a very light brown. Mascara was always difficult for her. The right eye would always come out looking beautiful. When she switched eye lashes, the other would look different. It always made Abby mad.

But today, Abby did it slowly and it came out looking the same in a good way. Her eyes were looking flirty. She glossed her lips with a Bulgarian rose color. The tube said it was "Mars Red." She then made sure each eyebrow was plucked and in a neat arched shape. The last thing she needed to do was apply the eye liner-Lord, she had trouble with that. It was either sloppy or either too dark on some parts. So today, she skipped it.

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