Chapter Twelve

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The letter came and it was just laying their upon the coffee table. Abby stared at it for minutes wondering what it would say. Her grades were great in high school. Her teachers adored her and constantly complimented on her good behavior and participation. She brought home A's in school and occasionally a B depending on if she was absent and missed a few assignments. Her SAT score was really high excluding science. But in Abby's defense, everyone who took the science SAT complained about how hard it was anyways.

What if it was a rejection letter though? Oh, Abby couldn't bare the thought of that. This was a university that she really wanted to go to. She'd give everything she had to go there. All she had to do was wish for it.

Her fingers, wiggling, reached for the letter and clutched hold of it. She slid a finger underneath the flap it tore it. The envelope was heavy in her hand and she loosened the stapled letters out of it. The envelope fell to her side and her eyes raced over every word written on the letter. Her lips curved up slowly into a smile. Her green eyes were lighting up like fire and she laughed out loud.

"Yes!" She shouted and jumped up. She danced around in her living room and sang gaily. When the thought to tell someone reached her mind, Abby ran out of her condo with fire under her feet and went straight to Daniel's condo. She banged on the door with giggles bubbling out of her.

Danny opened the door with alarmed eyes. "What? What? Oh, Abby. Geez, you scared me half to death. What is it?"

Abby laughed out loud and held up her acceptance letter to the University of Alaska in front of her face. Daniel studied the letter and grinned.

"Abby, that's great!" Daniel said with his voice shaking from his happiness.

"I know!" Abby squealed. "I can't believe this. I'm actually going to be a university student."

"I can believe it," Daniel said, "Do you know how smart you are? This is great, Abby. Congrats. How about you and I go out tonight?"

Abby remembered Jason telling her about his band performing and hoped that she would make it. She smiled and said, "What about we go to Humphy's tonight?"

"Not another rib-eye." Daniel groaned.

Abby laughed and said, "No. We can go watch the bands perform."

Daniel shrugged. "Sounds good to me."

"I call driving." Abby winked.

"Alright." He chuckled.

Abby took off for her condo to change and met Daniel back at his condo. Together they walked to her car and took off for Humphy's. When they arrived, a waiter greeted them with complementary tortilla chips. They graciously accepted and sat down at the bar. Abby's eyes kept wandering over to the stage looking out for any sign of Jason or even any of the other North Sun members.

"How about I buy you a margarita?" Daniel offered her.

Snapping back into his attention, Abby said, "Yuck. You know how I feel about alcohol."

"Oh, Abby. We're celebrating here. One margarita won't hurt."

"Fine." Abby grumpily accepted.

Daniel ordered their drinks for them and Abby daringly took a swig. She squeezed her eyes shut and sucked in her cheeks.

"Good, huh?" Daniel teased.

"Yeah." She replied with a small cough...then took another sip.

Music began to play and Abby shook Daniel as she caught hold of Callie on stage beginning to sing some lyrics. Rob was on the drums but not doing anything. Rick was standing by the keyboard, playing his notes while Sam was playing some low notes on his guitar. He was in thought about the song. Jason was nowhere to be seen and Abby searched all around stage for him.

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