Chapter Four

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It didn't make sense at first. Abby bewilderingly stared at the human laying in a pool of blood. No, how could it be a human? She just killed a werewolf...a beast of the night. And then she realized that werewolves were transformed from humans.

Well, that proved it. There were such things as werewolves. No, no. This was not true. If she called the cops, they would think she murdered someone. Someone who lay naked on the floor. How had he gotten in? She looked around and spotted the balcony door open.

Abby raced for her purse and dug through it for her phone. She flipped it open, her fingers lightly touching the keys. All she needed to press was 9-1-1. But for some reason, she couldn't. Her subconscious was telling her not to.

Abby had just murdered someone. But how could she have known that this wolf creature was a werewolf which was a human all along. The police was investigate-the door was open, he had gotten in, and she stabbed him.

Just, there was this one detail-he had been a werewolf when she stabbed him.

Abby groaned to herself and closed the phone. She would just have to get rid of the body herself. She tip toed over the man and bent down under her sink. There, she pulled out a black trash bag, hoping it would be big enough for him. She stood up and unfolded the bag.

" am I going to do this?" She asked herself aloud. She bent back down next to him and looked at his pitiful face. He had short, curly black hair. His skin was close to gray in the night. His body was so cold dead. His eyes and lips were closed. His lips were a soft pink color. He looked muscular and had a nice body. As Abby looked down, she noticed his arms were dark. It compared to hers.

That really scared her. No, she wasn't...was she?

Abby shrugged the thought off and opened the bag up. She slowly moved him into the bag, having slight difficulty. It wasn't easy pulling some one who was twenty pounds into a bag without any help. After closing the bag up, she plotted her next move. She had to get the body into the dumpster without anybody seeing her.

Abby darted to her front door and opened it up. Then, she ran back to the body and dragged the bag across the room and out the door. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, she dragged it down the hall to the elevators. She punched the button to go down to the first floor.

It was impatient waiting. Abby needed to do this quickly. Anybody could be walking along the halls at night returning from a date, from getting food, or just walking around. The elevator seemed to be taking forever, as it had earlier.

Finally, the elevator sounded and the doors slid open. There, someone was in, talking on her cell phone. Abby pulled in the bag, the woman looking at her strangely. "Trash." Abby said to her and turned away nervously.

"Right...awfully big for trash." The woman commented.

"Well, I-"

"Yeah, I'm still here." The woman said to the person on the opposite end of the phone. Abby sighed in relief. She didn't really have an excuse but, 'Oh, well, I just killed a werewolf.'

Abby reached over and pressed the first floor. To her satisfaction, the woman had gotten off on the second floor. Abby dragged the bag as the doors opened. She quickly dragged it across the hall and out the door. Nobody was walking on the streets and she quickly dragged it around to the side of the building in a dark ally way. She lifted the dumpster lid.

"Okay..." She said to herself.

Abby staggered a bit as she lifted the bag. It wasn't that easy as it would look in movies. She pushed it over the edge and into the dumpster, the smell poofing out into her face.

"Oh!" Abby coughed and closed the lid, running off into the street.

"Hey!" Someone yelled.

Abby had apparently run into someone, who she almost knocked over. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I...Dr. Caitlin?"

Dr. Caitlin fixed her glasses and looked Abby up and down. "Ms. Melrose. Hello."

"I'm really sorry I bumped into it. Are you okay?"

Dr. Caitlin giggled. "I'm fine. How are you feeling? Are the pills starting to make you feel better?"

Abby shrugged. "They're okay."

"What are you doing out here at this time of night?"

"Um...I uh...I was just trying to throw away some garbage."

Dr. Caitlin looked to Abby's arms. "Oh my God! Are you alright? You should have that checked out."

Abby covered her arm and said, "I can treat it myself. It'll be fine."

"Well, all the same, I think you should stop by tomorrow morning."

"Really, I'll be okay."

"Well...if you're sure."

Abby nodded. "I am."

Dr. Caitlin looked around. "Do you live around here?"

"Yeah. The fifth floor."

"I live a few streets away. I was just getting some Chinese. I hate when they include egg rolls as a side. You like egg rolls?"

"Um," Abby thought, "They're okay."

Dr. Caitlin pulled an egg roll package from her Chinese food bag. "Here. It's yours. Enjoy."

"Oh, thanks." Abby took it.

"Well, I'll call you in a few days, alright?"

Abby nodded. "Sure."

"Bye, Ms. Melrose." Dr. Caitlin strutted off.

"Bye." Abby rolled her eyes and walked back casually into her condo. She ran up this stairs this time. As she got to her condo, she realized she had left the front door open. Quickly, she closed and locked it. That's not the only thing she locked. She locked the balcony door and all of the windows in her condo.

Abby cleaned up the bloody mess she had made on the floor and rinsed off the blood from the knife. The visions of the werewolf haunted her. Or maybe it was the visions that it was a man inside she killed that haunted her.

Abby climbed into bed and snuggled once again into Mr. Alfred. After glancing up to the window, she turned over to face the wall.

Why did the werewolf invade her condo?

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