Chapter Three

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Abby eye's flashed open and she quickly sat up. At first she did not know where she was. But looking around, she realized she was in her room. Her room was blue due to the night. The rain was lightly falling now and the moon was shinning through the window onto the floor.

Abby pressed her feet on the floor and moved over to her door. Whatever that clash noise was, it wasn't good. She didn't have a gun or a bat anywhere to defend herself from whatever was out there. There Abby stood, pressed against the wall, gathering courage to go out and discover what was out there.

Nobody broke into any of the condos where she lived. If people did, it was extremely rare.

Abby stretched out into the hall and crept along the walls, making her way into the opening of the living room. She looked around curiously, her eyes darting around the room.

Her mouth was too dry to call out anything.

Suddenly, there was a low growl and the pantry door of the kitchen moved open a little. Abby took a inhaled deeply and froze. She moved slowly into the kitchen. Her hands slid across the counter until it reached the knife block. Her fingers wrapped around one of the knives and came out, the moonlight reflecting off the knife.

Abby reached the pantry door. Her hand rose to the door knob. Her mind raced with thoughts about what rest behind the door.Her heart raced, her skin was covered in goose bumps...her eyes never blinked.

Her hand wrapped around the door knob and she pulled the door open.

"Huh!" She gasped. A wolf looking creature pounced on her, sending her to the floor. It's claws dug into her arms and his drool leaked onto her. Her hand with the knife was frozen. Abby looked into his piercing, black eyes. As the creature snarled and lunged for her throat, she thrust the knife into his side.

The creature howled and bounced off of her, hitting the counter.

Abby scrambled to her feet, looking at the dazed creature. The pathway to the door was blocked by the creature. Her cell phone was in her purse, which was hanging on the closet, which was also by the front door.

The creature was becoming clear of what happened and growled at Abby. He jumped up to her again, only to run into a knife. The creature whimpered. Abby shakily released the air from her frozen lungs, her mind full on nightmarish fear that was paralyzing her to her very core. She pushed the creature to the ground.

"Oh my God..." She said to herself as she examined the creature. The creature's breathing was decreasing. It's eyes slowly began to close, getting the last look of it's killer. Abby looked over it, noting the details of its appearance. The creature had a pointed face due to the long snout. His mouth, which was wide open, was full of saliva and pointed, yellow and white teeth. It was a chill binding sight. His ears were scruffy with his matted fur. The fut was a dark gray and matted like the ears. His body was long and round. The legs were muscled. The creature was probably fast and agile. His tail was long with a light gray tip. His claws were still out on his rough paws. They were stained with blood and dirt, probably from his hunts.

"No..." Abby gasped. "It can't be. A werewolf?"

Abby backed off, her eyes glued to the werewolf, possibly pretending to be dead. As fast as she realized she had a knife in her hand, the faster she dropped it onto the ground.

"Oh, what am I going to do?" She asked herself. Nobody would believe that there was a werewolf laying dead in her kitchen. Nobody would believe that. Not even Abby wanted to believe that. She ran into the bathroom and flung herself to the toilet, vomiting just a little bit.

Abby flushed the toilet and managed to scrape herself up to the sink, washing her mouth out. The water was cold against her hands. She looked up in the mirror at herself. Her long, curly, brunette hair seemed to be changing as well. It seemed like it was more beautiful than before. Her peach skin seemed more clearer and softer. Even though some features

were becoming more beautiful, she was still afraid of what was happening.

Nothing, not even the pills Dr. Caitlin had given her, were going to stop her from changing. Those pills, which she went into her room to take.

She eyes Mr. Alfred and slightly smiled. "Oh...Mr. Alfred...I'm in serious trouble. I got a dead werewolf in the kitchen and the police won't believe me and I...and I'm telling my problems to a stuffed animal." With another smile, she continued, "Oh, I can't help it." She picked up the teddy bear, cradling it in her arms.

Suddenly, Abby had an overcoming feeling that something was up. She set Mr. Alfred back on the bed and walked across the hall the kitchen. What she saw...made her gasp.

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