Car sex

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I was in the car with Vinnie, I was going to meet his parents today I was so nervous what if they don't like me? Vinnie could tell I was stressed because he put his hand on my thing giving me butterflies. Well fuck that got me horny why you gotta get horny at the wrong times y/n what the fuck.

Ahhh he kept moving his hand closer to my pussy why does he have to tease me like this.
I decide to ignore my horny ass and put the radio of corse the first thing I hear when I put it on was 'she gave me top at the red light'

I looked at Vinnie "hey babe" "yea" "would you let me give you top at a red light" he looked at he and smiled "of corse"

Great not just gotta wait for the next red light, I do care about people seeing but really I'm too horny right now. That's when I felt the car stop, I looked up to see a red light and smirked at Vinnie.

I slowly reached over to his cock and took it out. I had no time to tease him instead I just took his whole length in at once. Which obviously took him by surprise as he gasped as I started sucking, his gasp quickly changed into a moan and I got faster. "Fuck baby get up the lights about to change" he moaned out. I reluctantly stopped sucking as he continued to drive.

Suddenly Vin turned into an empty parking lot "vin what are you doing we are mean to be going to your parents" "you made me horny I can't help it" he said getting into the back seat patting his lap. You have no idea how much I wanted to join him back there "vinnie" I whined "we will be late to your parents house" "we have an hour princess"

Yea fuck this shit I jumped into his lap. His hand quickly found his was to my hips and mine to his hair as our lips smashes together.
I don't know how this man managed to get panties off already without breaking out kiss.

I started to kiss down his neck as he took his boxers off to reveal his already rock hard cock. "Touch me vin please" i whimper begging for pleasure. I moan out as I felt his fingers press on my clit gently rubbing it "already so wet for me  baby girl" he grounded. I went back to kissing his neck leaving some hickey on his neck I completely forgot we were meant to be going to see his parents I just hope they don't see the hickey's.

I got too caught up in my thoughts for a second until Vinnie slammed his fingers into me making me moan even louder "shh princess there's another car here now" I didn't care nothing could ruin this we were both too horny to stop now anyway. Soon enough I felt that familiar knot in my stomach getting closer and closer to releasing. "Cum for me baby" that's all it took for me to release all over his fingers.

He took them out and sucked them clean "your so damn messy baby" "shut up" I  said kissing him "want more" "why would I say no to that" he smiled and lowered me down on his cock i started to move me hips as his hands guided them up and down. We were both two moaning messes I don't even want to know what that other car was thinking i mean they could probably see up but oh well.

I came again for the 2nd time Vinnie was getting tired I could tell he was close too so I sped up a bit that all it took I felt him realise inside of me (thank god for birth control 😃)  we sat there for a little longer enjoy each other's company u til I realised the time "shit Vinnie we should of been there half an hour ago" "oh fuck let's go"

I tried to fix up my hair quickly before we got there it was quite obvious we just had sex I mean we were both out of breath, our hair was messy, the windows were all steamed up like what could make it more obvious at this point.

We pulled into their drive way and saw Reggie Running out I've met Reggie before we are actually good friends. "Well you guys are really late huh" he shouted at us "yea sorry bro we took the wrong turn" Vinnie said still out of breath "you took the wrong turn so your out of breath? And your windows all steamed up?" he questioned us. Vinnie and I looked at each other not know what to say "urm it was just hot in here" I answer "you just fucked" he said "what?" Me and Vinnie said at the same time. "Omg you did didn't you, Vincent you smiling you smile when you lie, I'm so telling mum and dad. "Don't you dare" Vinnie shouted
As Reggie ran inside.
"Shit he's gon tell them baby" he looked at me "well let's go stop him then" I laughed


Might make a part two but enjoy some sumt yall 😗✌️

Update about my other story I probably will start it at some point when my exams are finished.

Also besties please pray for me I have a French exam tomorrow

Word count- 920

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