Lazy days <3

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Vinnie's POV•

I woke up and looked at the time 7:45 hey Y/n should be up now she had work today I'll text her.
Hey babe, sleep well? X

Nothing? Strange.
It's been an hour since I text and still nothing, that's when I saw my phone ringing it was y/n. I picked it up and saw she was still in bed.
"Hey babe what you doing haven't you got work" I asked confused "oh shit shit" she said from the other end of the phone and she cut it off.

• Y/n's POV•

Fuck why was my alarm not set ugh. I can't go in and say I'm sorry I'm a lazy bitch and slept in I'll have to call in sick. I was about to ring them when someone knocked on the door, oh what now. I opened the door to see Vinnie "hey what are you doing" I asked "came to see if your alright I'm worried you cut the call off" "I'm sorry" I said hugging him "I slept in, my alarm didn't go off" he laughed at me and I went to call in sick.

"So vin what we gonna do today" I asked "you gonna get your ass into work" "I just called in sick" he rolled his eyes "I'll be right back okay babe" "where are you going" "somewhere" he's said walking out of the door.

Right nice one vin just leave me. Asshole.
Jk I love him really but still he just left.

I grabbed a blanket and started flicking through Netflix. About 15 minutes later Vinnie arrived. "And where did you go" "to get snacks" he came in smiling holding all my favourite snacks "I thought we could just chill out today"
I nodded and continued to grab blankets and pillows to make a fort.

We both plopped ourselves into the fort "you did a good job" he laughed "I know" I smiled back at him as he kissed me. We cuddled, ate snacks and watched Netflix until it got dark "hey y/n" Vinnie turned to look at me "yeah" "wanna go star gaze" "yes yes yes yes" I said smiling getting up and dragging him along with me.

Vinnie laid out a blanket, both of you sat there watching the stars.

I looked over at him and he was already looking at me "what" I blushed "your just so cute" I snuggled up to him as he held my hand moving his thumb is little circles. That's the cutest thing ever! "Are you cold" he said looking over at me "a bit" I nodded. He picked me up and took me inside to bed.

We cuddled and both fell asleep.

An: sorry I haven't updated in so long like what! I've been so busy with collage work I get my text results back at the end of the month, defo failed 😃

Anyways first thank you guy for 46.7k viewsss !!!! Like when did this happen?? I love you alllll. <33

Okay sooo I'm staring to work on a new bookkk but I'm debating if I should name the girl of keep it as y/n I know a lot of people prefer y/n (me included :) ) anyway lemme know you opinion on the name situation
•I love you all•

Word count - 555

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