⋆͙̈ 3. Lack of Attention pt.2

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I still haven't got over the boyfriend and girlfriend thingy but what bothers me the most is when I woke up Karma's not in the room.

The jackass said he'll wait!

I felt Yasuo's stare for a second causing me to look at him. When I did, he had already turned away.

"When's your boss coming?" I frowned at him.

"You guys are acting like a couple" he said. No one asked. Well yeah. This white haired boy is right. I was acting like it was Karma's obligation to look after me.

"Yeah yeah. I know I should stop, his girlfriend with braids will get mad" I rolled my eyes, that's when the door opened.

"I'm single. Get that?" There is Karma, fuming.

Neither me or Yasuo decided to speak as we watched Karma try to calm down.

A few moments later,

"Hurry up and talk, I won't take out my anger on you" Karma said with a smirk. Bitch, mah hart!

"S-shut up" I said and looked away feeling stupid for thinking that I'm someone special for a moment just because he said he won't take out his anger on me.

"Anyways, hurry up and heal. You'll be attending Kunugigaoka with me before summer vacation starts." I frozed for a moment. Sir, I thought you're already in College.

"Gahd!" I whined. School again?!

"Your stupid brain probably can't keep up with us" he insulted and I glared at him.

"Should I just jumped infront of a car and find Miyamura?" I huffed.

"Bruh, he already have Hori. He doesn't need you~" he teased.

Bruh, and you already have Okuda.
I know you don't but I want you to need me.

"Then you take her" I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, not my type"

"What's your type then? The nerdy and shy type?" I asked, he thought for a moment. I got nervous, I'll get indirectly rejected if he said yes.

"Not really" I let out a sigh of relief.
Thanks god.

"I prefer someone who takes interest in the things that I like" he said. Then that's me!

"Girls who go crazy over boys is a huge turn off to me" he added. Shit shit shit! I gotta hide that!

"So you're not my type either" he said.

"Excuse me?! I'm not head over heals anyone" I defended myself. Nah, won't work. He's a good observant after all.

"Whatever you say" he shrugged his shoulders and leaned back on the couch. Relaxing.

"Anyways, didn't you tell the doctor how I got injured? Or something to make things clear that we're not together?" I asked, hoping the answer that I'll get is:

'Because I want to own you' but,

"I have to take responsibility of what happened, and they wouldn't let me visit you and stay here late if they knew we're just strangers to each other and also, I don't want to get send to jail so, yeah..." He explained.

"What's with the staying here late?" i asked.

"Cause you whine costantly if I don't visit you" he replied shortly.

"Then visit during day time!" And that's where our argument started.

"I have school in weekdays. I have assignments and projects to take care of in weekends"

"Why do you even visit then?"

"Because you wanted attention"

"Because you don't give me enough of it"

"Do you ever get enough?"

I stopped for a moment, I'm acting like his girlfriend once again.
I stayed silent.

"Did I went too far?" Karma teased noticing my silence.

"No! But this is your fault that I'll definitely ended up being alone for the rest of my life. You take responsibility!" I said. What an indirect way to tell him to date me.

"If you wanted to date someone, you need to confess" he said. Fuck.

"I-i didn't say you should date me!" I huffed. I could feel my blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Well, I need to take responsibility anyways" he said.

"If you wanted to date someone, you need to confess" I mimicked him.

"Fine, guess I'll just take it back"

"Hold on!!" I panicked.

Then he looked at me, laughing out loud. Fucking JERKKKK!

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