⋆͙̈ 7. Glum

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My life turned into a whole book before I knew it. The days passed by quickly like the author did a timeskip.

It was already time for midterms. Karma was telling me it was just a piece of cake, but hell, did he ever think that him bugging the shit out of me in class is actually distracting?

"You can't just use the same formula with every questions I gave you" He scolded for like, a hundredth time.

"That's the only formula, I know" I growled.

"Do you even take notes?"

"I wanted to, but you're annoying as hell" I can see a tick mark appear on his forehead because of my statement.

"Say, Karma. How old are you?" I asked, confused.

"Turning seventeen, why?" He replied.

"You're growing old" I chuckled.

"The same goes to you"

"I'm three years younger than you" I admitted.

He squinted his eyes at me. I looked away avoiding his gaze.

"For real?" He asked leaning closer.

"Yeah, believe me. Anyways, just give me the damn formulas I can use" I rolled my eyes only to get myself smacked on the head by a book.

The day continued on, it was boring. I've got nothing on my hands but books and pens.

Stupid Karma's torturing me.

He told me that he won't be talking to me 'til I've finished my work.

I rolled here and there on the formerly comfortable bed. It's not comfortable when Karma's not here with me.

Solving the last question. I threw my arms upwards in joy and sprints out of the room to Karma's.

"Karma~" I hummed, knocking before opening the door. I found him sleeping on his desk, hand tightly grasping a pen and the other one used as a support for his head.

"Karma?" I asked, bending over to look at his face. He still looks tensed even in his sleep. More like he's stressed over something.

"Karma~~" I breathed on his ear. He shot up, tripping me over and holding me down on the floor flat on my stomach as he sat on my back holding my arms with one hand and my head with another one. One of his knees pressed against my back adding pressure.

"Itaiiiii!" I screamed, squirming under him.

"That's what you get for infiltrating my room" he said,  I could feel him glaring daggers at me.

"I knocked " I reasoned.

"Did I respond? No. So you still went in without my permission "He added pressure on my back causing me to struggle more against his grasp.

"Since when I needed permission to get in your room?! "I groaned trying to kick his back by throwing my legs backwards. 

'I regretted being not strong and flexible enough to put up a fight with him'

"Sorry. Anyways, what's gotten you glum all of a sudden? " I tilted my head to looked at him once he let go of my head.

"I'm not glum" he glared even more.

"Yeah just grumpy "I rolled my eyes and turning to face him. "You could get off of me now"

"Stay for a moment" he commanded.

I nodded my head fractically.  Well, who wouldn't like the position we're in. _(:з」∠)_

He got off soon and went back to his desk and continue studying. I sat on his bed watching him, not even getting bored.

I didn't know just watching him do boring stuffs entertains me.

Karma's Point Of View

Who knew I would actually miss that lout?

Is she some sort of a witch or something?

This got to have something to do with that incident.

It was Okuda I could't bare not to see before.

What jinx it?


(A/n): I'll try to explain what happened when reader first appeared in Karma's life and what changed when she did (~_^).

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