Small Harmless Bunnies

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Everyone surrounded Rimuru as he was about to taste a kabob stick since he can finally taste food with his human form now.

When he finally ate it, there was a moment of silence as Rimuru was eating it and.......

Rimuru: It's so good!

The whole crowd erupted into cheers while I watched slightly enviously of the fact Rimuru could actually eat and taste some food, well I could just turn off my authority and eat it, but at some point my stomach would get full and i'd be forced to empty it, and it's not like I could poop it out since any food in my stomach wouldn't get digested while I had my authority on.

But my attention was forced back to the group I was sitting with as I heard Kaijin say something I heard from the anime.

Kaijin: The Orcs attacked the Ogres?! That's impossible.

Red ogre: It's the truth.

Kaijin: Can such a thing really happen though?

Rigurd: I don't know.

Gobta: Is it that strange?

Y/n: Oh, yea. Pretty sure it is, since Ogres are supposed to be far stronger than Orcs.

Red ogre: Nevertheless, they did come. They attacked us out of nowhere, they carried weapons, armor and with overwhelming numbers....Those detestable pigs....managed to overrun our village.

Kaijin: Orcs wearing armor?

Red ogre: Yes, the same type that humans wear.

Kaijin: Then that means....

Red ogre: That the orcs are working with someone else.

Kaijin: Orcs could never round up all that armor alone.

Red ogre: That's right, and among them were....Masked Majins.

Kaijin: Masked Majins?

Red ogre: They were high level majins, I'm certain of it.

Rigurd: And you fought Rimuru-sama and Y/n-sama because you mistaked Rimuru-sama as a masked majin?

Red ogre: Right.

Gobta: So....What does this all mean?

At this point, I couldn't be bothered listening to the conversation. After all, I've already heard it before.

I just stood up and walked away, hoping that no one disturbs me.

I was sitting on a cliff, overlooking the forest of Jura, it was really pretty I could stare at it for a while.

But suddenly, the voice of Great Sage started speaking to me, which is a bit annoying. After all, I came here to have some peace.

Great Sage: The Authority of Gluttony is ready to evolve.

Oh......Well that's pretty nic- WAIT WHAT?!

Y/n: Hold up, hold up!! What do you mean by that, Great Sage?!

Great Sage: You're body is ready to incorperate the rest of the Authority of Gluttony into your body.

Y/n: But....Why not do that when I first arrived in this world?

Great Sage: Answer. Your body wasn't ready to take the full power of the Authorities yet, so I waited for your body to adjust to the Authorities.

Y/n: Right.....Why didn't you tell me earlier though?

Great Sage: Answer. You didn't ask.

Y/n:.....How the hell would I know that I-

Great Sage: Would you like to evolve the Authority of Gluttony?

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