Chap 6

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I'm sorry for the late update. I was starting my small scented candle business and got pretty busy. Hopefully, I manage to update more frequently.

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"Forth, stop calling me to hide away Beam's clothes. He visits my place almost all the time and, we both will be doomed if he figures out," warned Phana through the phone call.

He just finished his one-on-one sessions with out-patients and received a phone call from a tensed Forth.

Beam is in his sixth month of pregnancy and, Forth is getting restless for simple things.

Beam's belly is getting bigger day by day. He is having a healthy pregnancy but, it comes with some issues as well.

Forth has to hide away his old unfit clothes from his view. Beam will get insecure about his weight whenever he can't get into his old clothes. Luckily, Forth hides away all of his old clothes once a week to avoid the unnecessary outburst of Beam.

"I already hide half of his old clothes in Park and Lam's house. You're my only hope. Help me out, Pha," begged Forth as he was preparing another box to put away a new set of Beam's old clothes.

"Fine-fine. I'll get them from you tonight when I send off Beam at your house after work. We can hide them in Kit's place this time," suggested Phana and talked for a while before he hangs up the call.


One month ago in ForthBeam's house,

Forth returns home after the final meeting for the water park in his office. He has been busy with his office work for a few weeks now and, he barely spends time with Beam. The said doctor didn't bother about that. Beam used to be busy with work as well. So, it was not a problem in their household.

They both are perfectionists and tend to over-work. They can't stop until they felt satisfied with their work. As Forth climb up the stairs to reach his room, he heard a faint crying sound. He got worried and peeked inside to find Beam shedding silent tears by hugging his favorite T-shirt.

Forth noticed that some of Beam's clothes are getting smaller for him and those clothes can't fit both of his babies. But he was busy and didn't ponder on it much. Now watching him cry over that made him felt guilty. He went out again to buy him his favorite ice cream to console him that night. He didn't bring up the topic to Beam as well. He doesn't want to make the poor boy sad again.

From that day onwards, Forth started to clear Beam's wardrobe every week. He began to pay more attention to Beam's needs and become over-protective.


Right at the time, Kit walks into his consultation room.

"Pha, let's go for a lunch break. Beam must be waiting for us," he said.

"You're right at the time. Kit, we need your help," exclaimed Phana, a bit tensed.

"Okay...., who is this 'we'?" asked Kit, confused.

"Me and Forth," answered Phana as he left his room with Kit beside him.

"What did you two do this time?" he asked, worried.

An angry Beam is hard to handle.

"We are just hiding away his old clothes," replied Phana with an innocent look.

Kit looked at him for a good one minutes.

"You know that your innocent look doesn't work on Beam and me, right?" he asked.

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