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Jimin sighed heavily. Though he had not really understood the rules of the game, he supposed Jisung had been right in some way. It was a bit more fun when he had finally joined in, though, he could not help but think of the reaction of Jungkook when JiSung had spoken. Something about it made him a bit unnerved, unchecked. He was not entirely sure why that was, but he knew that something was up, though...the main question was what exactly that was. he did not know. There was something that was going beyond what they thought it was, that was certain, and he was sure that a certain JiSung Dreamie was the reason for it. 

It was well believed by Jimin at this moment that Jungkook was both extremely possessive, and extremely protective, but only among those that he truly cared for, else he would not really care. Which was understandable, he could get that, but there was just something about the interaction between him and Jisung that had him thinking. Truly, it had him thinking about a lot of different things. He wondered and once he began to wonder he really could not stop contemplating the various different things that crossed his mind. 

For instance, just how protective would Jungkook get? They knew that he was overly protective of Taehyung, and clearly these Dreamie kids, but other than that, did it extend further? He provoked Jisung a few times, and that proved something when JiSung glared at him but round went to Jungkook with wide and wet eyes. 

It was rather interesting to see, but he would not give further experiments without thinking about what he could do further. he did not want to provoke Jungkook too much after all, there was a reason that Taehyung had recruited him, and it began with these dreamie kids. He would prefer not to get on the other hand of that, it was rather a risky call. 

Jimin rushed from the room after the game was finished, desperate to get to the other Hyungs. He ripped the door open and noticed all eyes on him, apparently them having been in a meeting. His chest heaved from the speed with which he had moved towards them. He clutched the door with white tipped fingers before laughing a bit nervously, and shutting it behind him as he walked inside the room. 

He all but ignored the fact that he had definitely interrupted something. It was clear that they had been talking, something which he had not registered in his desperation to get to them. They all had cups of varying degrees of liquid inside them. They had been sitting in a semi circle, and everyone was still staring at him as he rubbed his arms a bit nervously. He was determined. 

"I think I figured it out." He said, breathless. The other Hyungs just stared at him, blankly. They did not quite understand what it was that he was talking about. Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes, of course they would not understand. "To test Jungkook." He said, finally having gotten his breathing once again under control. He stared at them, dead serious. 

"How?" NamJoon asked, curiosity in his tone, wonder in his gaze. After all, though Jimin was observant, they had been trying to figure out a way to safely test Jungkook for ages, and nothing yet that they could come up with would ensure that someone would not potentially get hurt. Which was the main reason that they had to be careful. They may be self sacrificing but they did not want to risk one of them getting too badly injured. 

"Taehyung," Jimin responded, plopping down on the sofa next to yoongi, shoving the older one out of the way so that he could sit down. The others stared at him as though he were making no sense once again and Jimin just groaned, and rolled his eyes again. "Okay, think about it this way, when Yoongi pissed Jungkook off, he said some shit about the Dreamie kids, when Taehyung had first decided to recruit Jungkook he had beat the shit out of some idiots who tried to mess with Chenle, any time Jungkook has lost himself is in response to either the Dreamies or Taehyung." He paused, before continuing on. "He is overprotective, and not anywhere close to a little bit possessive." He snatched Yoongi's coffee and drank some of it, savouring the taste. "I say that if we risked insulting or threatening Taehyung he would go insane. It is the safest way any of use can rile him up, because Taehyung will be right there. We can see just how much of a handle Taehyung has over Jungkook, and still try and figure what exactly makes him so dangerous." Jin licked his lips, a bit nervous at the idea, but he had to agree, it was a good idea.

"I mean," Jin began. "We do need to test him, at least a little bit, and see how far he would go. I say that we do it. As long as we make sure that we don't do something too stupid, and leave ourselves vulnerable, we will be okay." Hobi hummed. 

"It is still risky. We don't know how good he is." The other said reasonably. 

"True, but honestly, it is our best chance to figure out Jungkook. He is possessive and protective and with Taehyung in the same room it is the best bet that we got. We just have to get Taehyung in on it." Yoongi said with a shrug, snatching his cup back and glaring at Jimin. 

"How are we going to do that?" NamJoon asked sharply. 

"Easy," Jimin said, grabbing Hobi's cup instead, a pout towards Yoongi who scoffed. "Did you see that look when Jungkook almost lost it towards Yoongi? He is curious. He just knows that it is not the time. So, we make a time, and Taehyung will easily agree with us. He wants to know just how dangerous Jungkook is along with the rest of us. It cannot hurt." 

"I...Suppose." NamJoon reluctantly agreed. 

"Ah, yes, but, about Jungkook's proposition." Jimin continued, leaning forwards, staring at them seriously. "I think he is right, and," He said raising his voice to cut off the protests. "There is a reason for that." The others shut up and reluctantly continued to listen what Jimin had to say. "It will take a bit longer, that is true, but in the long run, it will ensure that we keep the Dreamies. It will also ensure that we keep NCT's loyalty. We all know how much they adore the Dreamies. We only need to get half of them, by ensuring that the Dreamie kids are wrapped up in a precarious situation, it will not be that hard to make sure that NCT keeps their loyalty to us, knowing with a snap of our fingers and one phone call we could destroy them. So yeah, it will take a bit of time, but in the end, I do think that it will be worth it."

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