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"Jungkook," Jimin said, his voice restrained in an attempt to keep a hold of himself. Just because the Hyungs like me and Taehyung, does not mean that they will not go apeshit over this information, and try and oust us from the gang. We will quite literally be committing treason, that is not something to take lightly you know." Jimin said seriously. "And barring how kind or how much they care for us is not going to change the fact that we will be doing some...well, we are going to be kind of betraying them, at least a little bit."

"Betraying them?" Jungkook questioned, his eyes narrowed. "Betraying them. I see, so you are reluctant, not because you are worried about them throwing you out, but because you do not really want to betray them. You are loyal to them." Jimin stared at Jungkook, not really understanding where this was going, and not really sure if he wanted to know where it was going either. He blinked, unable to resist just nodding to Jungkook's words. He did not know what else he could do, after all, it was not easy to read Jungkook's mental state. Furthermore, the boy seemed to have these...leaps in logic that made him hard to follow. Taehyung enjoyed it, for Jimin, it was frustrating. He did not know what to say to calm Jungkook down, and he did not really know how to read him either. It made things ten times more complicated then they really had to be and it was frustrating trying to keep up with him.

"Of course I am loyal to them." Jimin huffed, arms pulled over his chest, his eyes narrowing as he stared at Jungkook. Why am I getting so defensive? Jimin thought to himself, ensuring that his thoughts did not show on his face. It is not as though it is a bad thing to care about them, it really is not, so why is it that I feel the need to defense myself so thoroughly for no reason? Barring that, Jungkook has barely been with the group for a month, it is normal that he is questioning these sorts of things. Jimin shoved his thoughts away from the fore of his mind, instead returning to the matter at hand. "Why would I not be? They took me in, we are a group, we have grown together. Of course we are loyal to each other?" Jungkook hummed, tapping his fingers against his chin as he stared at Jimin, who bristled at the look the younger was giving him. There was just...just...just something in that gaze, and it made Jimin's skin crawl. As though he were reading him, and Jimin did not know what to do about that.

"Are they loyal to you, though?" Jungkook asked curiously, tilting his head to the side as though he were a puppy finding something interesting. Jimin started at that, jolting his eyes to Jungkook's own, staring at him deeply. The question...the question hurt. It really did. It hurt even more so that he could not really find a good way to answer Jungkook's question. He knew that the Hyungs cared for him, but...loyalty? That was a different question. Loyalty was one thing, and whilst not everyone was loyal to the entirety of the group, Jimin knew that, he was not sure that the others were loyal to just him. He knew Taeyhung was, For one, he had chosen Taehyung, but also...it was...it was just different. Jimin sighed.

"I...I don't really know." he admitted softly, finger nails digging into his arms as he admitted the cursed words. He did not want to, but there was a need, after all, he had to be honest, to himself, and to Jungkook. It would not do for him to lie to the younger boy, they would figure it out, and Jimin knew how to lie, but he would rather not risk being caught in one. Furthermore, he knew Taehyung would not take it well.

"Well, I think that is because, they aren't really, are they?" Jungkook questioned, the words piercing Jimin's heart. Jimin faltered slightly, not wanting to admit that he was probably...probably right at least in some regard. After all, it was obvious that they were keeping some information regarding TXT from us, which simply would not do. Jimin thought to himself. TXT were all of their investments, and they were all in charge of caring for them, but Hobi Hyung seemed to be having more information regarding their line of working than we did, and I thought that we had shared all information. Hobi Hyung also was not one to mince words when it came to TXT. If he said the boys wanted to meet them, than the boys wanted to meet them, but they had not seen TXT for a while, and more than that I know that all correspondance was supposedly shared with all of us present. "After all, you were the one who said that TXT was your prodige, and you were also the one to say that Hobi-Ssi did not say things he did not mean." Jungkook stretched his arms out towards the sky, before humming and framing his face with his hands, leaning forwards on the bed to see Jimin better. "Right?"

"Yes, right," He admitted reluctantly. Jungkook did have a point, after all, it was useless not to concede to that. His points were made logically, and a tad bit ruthlessly if he was being honest.

"Well, then, in a way, this is them proving their loyalty. Is it not? After all, they were breaking the terms first. They may care for you, but caring and loyal area two different things. You can care for someone, without being loyal to them. It happens all the time in relationships after all." Jungkook said with an idle shrug.

Jimin did not want to admit that the boy had a point, but he did not have to. The words were already getting under his skin, and Jungkook could tell, a small glint to his eyes which made it obvious. His work alone was done, he was sure whatever they would find would merely diminish the already questioning doubts in the boy's head. He needed Jimin, and he wanted Jimin. Well, Taehyung wanted Jimin, and Jungkook knew that if he was going to ensure Chenle and Rejun, and Jisung's protection, he would have to make things perfect from now. Taehyung and Jimin held the most power of the group after all, and if Jungkook had them on his side... 

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