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Jungkook had been lost in thought after Jimin and Taehyung had divulged all of that information to him. Considering the wealth of information that they had sort of just dumped on the poor guy they felt that it was understandable, and left him to his brain, letting him think about what they had talked about. It was quite a bit of new information, and that sort of thing was not always easy to just absorb all in one go. They were already quite impressed that he had not isolated to do just that, but in all reality, it was a good thing that they were holding back. It was important for him to really get to know the way their gangs worked. Particularly considering that he was a part of it now. It was useless to try and hide the facts from him. Though the others would likely not be overly happy that they had shared these details with their maknae, it was necessary, and Taehyung was quite certain that eventually they would see that. 

However, that did not mean that he was scrabbling to tell them. He would avoid the conversation as much as possible. They were still annoyed with the fact that Jungkook was making them go through these extremely large inconveniences due to NCT Dream. Taehyung, and Jimin, and even to some extent according to Jimin Yoongi, were realizing that it was a necessary run, though the others were definitely on the fence about it. Taehyung was not really in this for practicality, though he definitely could see the benefits. 

Jungkook had a good head on his shoulders, and while he definitely allowed his emotions to get the best of him a lot, he was not horrible about it. Taehyung had known that Jungkook would be a good fit from just seeing him, but having that realization tested in more than just his physical capabilities was certainly exciting. Jungkook was obviously able to handle himself, that had been clear from the first moment that Taehyung had seen him fighting in that hallway to protect ChenLe, however, noting how smart he was it was obvious that there was far more to him than mere strength and strategy. Not that Taehyung particularly cared very much, he just found it nice to be able to find more ways in which Jungkook was justified in becoming a member of BangTan. 

Not that he needed any real reason to justify it. He had made his choice, and despite the initial reservations, he had known that the others would acknowledge the person that he had chosen, even if they themselves did not really agree. They had proven that, although Taehyung was rather irate with their continued subtle malice towards Jungkook, he supposed in a way he could understand it. They were worried about his sudden choices, but they accepted it nonetheless, not that they had much a choice in the first place. 

"How do you think he is doing?" Jimin wondered softly, both of them peering around the door from the main living area to Jungkook's bed where he was still sitting, and had been sitting at since they had finished talking to him about the various gangs and the information that they spread about. He had barely even moved, and Jimin was beginning to get a tad bit concerned at the lack of life from the other. 

"He is just thinking everything through, Jiminie," Taehyung said fondly, both at the behavior that their youngest was showing, and the obvious concern that Jimin was showing. It was rather precious in many ways. 

"I mean, I know that," Jimin huffed folding his arms across his chest and staring at Taehyung with leveled eyes, waiting until Taehyung finally drug his gaze from where Jungkook was sitting onto him. "I just mean, how do you think he is going to handle the realization that everything is so much more then he previously thought?" 

"More then he previously thought?" Taehyung question, a slight laugh hinting to his voice. "Jiminie, Hyung, I am sure that Jungkook figured things out far before we thought to even explain it all to him. Even if that was not the case, he clearly knew that there was something more to the whole school gang deal after the run in with NCT, and likely even before that. While we may not exactly understand really how it was that he got introduced to NCT Dream, he does seem to have a good working knowledge of how they work, and how the NCT gang in general works." 

"But," Taehyung lifted a hand, motioning for Jimin to silence himself, which he did but not without throwing a dirty glare towards his so called best friend. 

"Listen, what he thinks or does not think we will figure out only when he decides to talk to us about it, and I am not going to start pushing for details, Jimin, I know that you are worried, but there is no reason for you to push the situation like this. We will know, when Jungkook wants to talk about it." 


"Hyung," Taehyung's voice lost the fond edge that it had held previously, now stern and serious, his eyes flashing. "We are not going to continue to talk about this, alright?" Jimin did not want to push Taehyung further, and therefore merely agreed to stop the conversation direction and move it to a different topic. There was not much that he could do either way, and he was not going to risk Taehyung nor Jungkook's wrath by acting impulsively based on his curiosity, he did not manage to survive by doing that, after all. 

They may be best friends, but that merely meant that Jimin knew when to stop, and to stop pushing. Taehyung was dangerous, and even as his best friend, he knew that he could not push his buttons too much without angering him, and Taehyung was not someone anyone wanted to see when angry. Jimin supposed maybe he had been a bit willful lately, and Taehyung was definitely taking his time to remind him that he should not be doing that. It was all over his tone. 

"Taehyungie," Jungkook called suddenly, ripping through the tense atmosphere that had built steadily between Taehyung and Jimin. "How does Hobi Hyung know that TXT wants to meet us soon?" 

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