Meeting the Others

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"Wait, WHAT??" Jin-Hyung shouted much to the concertation of the other members, who rushed to usher him to be more quiet. Everyone was understandably fascinated. After all, it was not every day that a new transfer comes to school, and beats the ever living shit out of someone, let alone more than one someone.

"I already said it once, Jin-Hyung, I really do not wish to repeat myself." Taehyung said annoyed slightly his voice going deeper, and eyes flashing. The boy still had not woken. He was not exactly sure why the younger had fainted, but he supposed it was from suppressing his emotions for so long, and the sheer amount of anger and adreniline likely had placed his body in some form of overload, causing him to be like this...on the bed of the Bangtan dorm and passed out clean, sleeping. He had been unconcious for several hours now.

"You mean to tell me, after five days, this boy finally snapped and beat the shit out of four seniors?" RM asked, finally speaking up. Taehyung looked at the two, the two Leaders of Bangtan, RM, and Jin.

"Yes, Hyung, that is what I mean." Taehyung reiterated for Namjoon. He knew Namjoon just wanted to be certain of things, but it did not mean that he was happy about having to actually reacertain things. It was rather aggravating at times. He did understand it, and it was not like him to go against the leader. "It was insane." Taehyung muttered lower, the others listened quietly to what he had to say. Taehyung glanced at the boy.

"In any other circumstance I would have thought myself insane, or the person telling me insane. He looks so kind and adorable, he has the whole innocent vibe. Innocent bambi eyes, adorable bunny face. he just seems so sweet. I honestly thought that his being here was some sort of mix up. I don't normally judge by appearances, but he has that whole soft innocent thing going, and in a way, it is true. He did not lash out at any time before this. Five days, and he dealt with the insults and snide comments of others without even giving them a passing glance, he has willingly put up with the shit from the teachers, he has dealt with a lot in the past five days, and yet, he never broke at any time before that. No, it was only when someone dared lay a hand on someone that he cared about that he went insane and started beating the crap out of people. It is not something common around here. Normally people would just leave it alone. But he did not. Chenle even tried to get through to him but it was as though a monster had been unleashed, and he clearly had not intention of stopping when they were knocked unconcious." Taehyung sighed heavily. It was such a strange thing, to find someone who fought for those which he had only known for five days, and yet, this new transfer had very nearly done more than just beating his seniors to aid Chenle.

He should. Be more happy. The boy had indirectly led them to the scum which had threatened the Dreamies, but it was just this feeling of admiration and worry which curled in his body.

"There is something different about him," he confessed to his Hyungs, who were watching him with strange gazes. "And I am not sure what it is yet, but, Hyungs, you should have seen him. Chenle was trying to get him to stop, he was yelling at him to stop, but Jungkook...when he looked back at Chenle it was as though he could not even recognize him. His eyes were so...they looked so wild. I have not seen anything like it. We may think that he is an innocent bean, and hell, he very well may be, but there is no questioning that he is dangerous, very dangerous."

Taehyung looked at the adorable boy laying on his bed. If he did not know better, if he had not seen the look in the other's eyes, he would have thought that he was nothing more than prey. The ideal prey. It was what had surprised him and drew his attention to the transfer in the first place.

There were a few things about Jungkook that were obvious, no matter how the other may try to hide them, or not. He was shy with anyone he did not find comfort in. He was introverted to an extreme degree, perhaps even more than Suga-Hyung, which was certainly a feat worth mentioning. He was anxious when all eyes were on him, he did not like being the center of attention of a lot of people, and lastly, he did have a small stutter, barely there, unless something brought it out full force.

There was something different now, though. Something which even Taehyung had not fully noticed before. There was a monster that lay beneath the surface of the innocent boy, deep within. A monster which took special circumstances to being out. This monster, it was blood-thirsty, dark, and incredibly dangerous.

"Hyungs...." Taehyung said solemnly looking away from the beautiful boy which lay in his bed, and straight at Jin, Suga, Hobi, Namjoon, and Jimin. He met each of their curious eyes with a grave gaze within his own. Because he knew. He knew more than perhaps even they did. A monster lurking around this school with as much as control as Jungkook, only unleashed in certain situation, was far more dangerous than one that was out of control at all times. "I think..." Taehyung paused, briefly glancing at Jungkook once more. "I think he may be worse than me." Because Taehyung knew. He knew just how dangerous a monster similar to his own was, and he knew that Jungkook had control, just like him, he knew. And it scared him.

He did not hear the collective inhale of shock-and slight fear-met Taehyung's last words, but he certainly felt the admiration and awe clawing through his chest as he continued to look at the boy before him.

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