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Jimin was sitting alone, eyes closed, dread filling him. He knew that Taehyung and Jungkook were both incredibly protective over each other, of course they were. Taehyung had actually claimed the boy for goodness sakes, and Taehyung did not claim anyone. It was not something that they had even assumed may happen at some point in the future. None of them knew what was going on anymore, and it was as though Taehyung and Jungkook had come together and everything they had thought that they knew about Taehyung had changed. First, Taehyung had claimed someone, something that they had been almost certain that would never happen, and yet it had happened without much regard. Then Taehyung had threatened to take over an already claimed person, another thing that he had not ever done. Challenging a claim rarely happened and this was Taehyung that they were talking about who had challenged a claim. Something that rarely happened happening by the last person anyone expected to dare do something like that, not because he would not manage to defeat and win in the end but because he seemed utterly dismissive of all such things. And now, now he was contemplating taking over NCT Dream. All because Jungkook and the three youngest had been hurt in the aftermath. Itwas something that Jimin was having trouble really wrapping his head around.

He had not thought that Taehyung would be so possessive. It was somewhat unnerving. It scared him just a little bit. He had not expected it of someone like Taehyung, and yet the boy was being utterly ruthless. It was scary. For more than one reason. They had no idea who Taehyung was anymore. Everything was slowly crumbling with the realization that Taehyung was much different when it came to Jungkook than he was usually. 

Jimin's head fell to his knees, eyes closed, breathing shaking. He knew that the others were concerned about what was going on. It was not as though Taehyung had changed too much, but he had changed enough in the ways that it was becoming obvious that he was definitely changing. Or maybe he had never really changed, but this side of him was being brought out because of Jungkook.

"Jiminie Hyung?" Jimin's eyes ripped upwards to see the very person that he had been previously thinking about.


The boy was definitely something. He was unassuming, unexpecting, but he was certainly not someone to be trifled with. That was slowly becoming quite clear. Not just because of Taehyung's influence either. Perhaps many thought Jimin quite...oblivious, but it was clear to Jimin that the other had more than one way in which he could easily take care of himself if he really needed to. Jungkook was definitely not someone that you wanted to cross. Not only would you have to deal with Taehyung, but you would also have to deal with Jungkook himself. At this point, Jimin was not entirely certain which one was worse. It was hard to really think that Jungkook could be dangerous, as he certainly did not really look dangerous. Then again, he supposed it was the ones who did not really look dangerous who were the most dangerous of the lot. 

Jimin tilted his head to the side, showing Jungkook that he was listening. 

"Are you really on board?" The other asked, eyes glinting dangerously. Jimin rubbed his eyes in exhaustion. This whole thing was bringing unwanted stress and tiredness and he was not really eager to answer the boy.

"I am on board. Of course, anything that Taehyung wants to do I will willingly help him. Not to mention they did hurt you as well. Something that is just not acceptable under any circumstance, furthermore it happened in public. None of us would allow this even if Taehyung had not brought up the idea of infiltrating NCT." Jimin sighed heavily, wringing his hands together nervously. "I am just nervous of the possible repercussions of doing something like this. It has to be done incredibly carefully, and it will take time. I do not know if Taehyung has the patience to wait the amount of time that it may take." Jimin shared. He knew that he probably should not be sharing this with Jungkook of all people, but he could not help himself. Another reason which Jimin was swiftly realizing Jungkook was dangerous. 

"Don't worry. I will make sure Taehyungie is calm. This has to be done. I do not want Chenle Hyung, Rejun Hyung, or Jisung Hyung hurt again because of Taeyong Hyung." Jungkook whispered darkly, glinting eyes flashing with dark promise. He was angry. Oh, yes, Jimin realized that. 

"What did Taeyong even do?" Jimin asked curiously. Jungkook sighed and sat down next to Jimin. 

"He chastised them. All because they talked with Taehyung. It was more than just that though. He emberessed them and yelled at them, despite knowing that Chenle and Jisung Hyung were claimed and he did not even talk to Mark Hyung or Rejun Hyung about it. He just railed in on them. In public. In the lunchroom. It was my fault, partly. I asked them to meet Taehyungie. I I wanted them too."

"They agreed," Jimin pointed out.

"Yes but they would not have agreed if I had not asked them to. It is more than just that, though. Taeyong really pushed boundaries. I do not want my friends to get hurt because Taeyong does not know where his boundaries end again. Maybe it was just one time. Maybe he will not do it again, but who can be sure of that." Jungkook sighed heavily. Clearly, it was obvious to Jimin, this was something that had been agonizing in the youngest of their gang. "It was not just that either. That was why I was mad and wanted to infiltrate the group. Taehyung is mad because NCT works for us. Yet, Taeyong, the leader of the whole group, was angry because Taehyung met with the Dream kids. That is why Taehyung is angry. After all, they work for Bangtan right? Why would the leader of a group that works for us be angry that we were meeting with Taehyung. Even then, taehyung met with them. Taeyong should have taken it up with taehyung but he did not." 

That was...solid. That was actually an incredibly solid argument. It was with this realization that Jimin knew what Taehyung was doing. He was weeding out the people they could trust from NCT and bringing them into the fold. Protecting them, in other words. NCT it seemed, was suffering from potentially unloyal people in their group. 

Jimin should have realized that Taehyung would have something more than just an incredibly emotional reason to infiltrate NCT, of all people. He had not even really thought on it.

"That is true. Why did not he just say that?" Jimin asked, looking at Jungkook with curious eyes. 

"Taehyungie sometimes finds it difficult to really express what he is thinking. It is something that I have noticed. He is super smart, and really intelligent, but sometimes his thoughts and his words get mixed up, and he is not quite certain how to express what he is thinking." He whispered softly. "I was hoping that you could explain to the other Hyungs." Jungkook looked at the floor. "I know that they are hesitant. They will still go with Taehyung, I know. I just do not want them to think that it is just because of an emotional reason. I do not want them to misunderstand him." 

Jimin could not help but smiled at the youngest. 

"Of course! I will inform them right away." Jimin said, bounding up. He paused for a second, looking at Jungkook. "Thank you," He whispered softly. "I know it was not easy to come up to me to tell me this." He gave Jungkook a smile. 

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