Chapter Five Memories

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Soon I was home, my baby was locked up for the night in the garage, I trotted inside and greeted my grandparents.

'Hello Rosé, how was school?' Gran asked as she came up to hug me and kissed me on my forehead when Pa appears.

'Hey Kid, learn anything new at school today?' I hugged him and he kissed my cheek, I pulled out my board.

"Hi, school was okay, I mean it was pretty good since I was left alone by the wolves. I didn't really learn anything new." They read the message and nodded their heads when I remembered the new wolves, Callum and Carter. So I quickly whipped my clean and wrote the information down before I showed them. I watched their eyebrows rise as they read about the new wolves, how I stood up for myself, how Callum and Carter decided to be nice to me randomly, and then the last encounter with one of the wolves. Suddenly Gran looked scornfully at me.

'Now Rosé, you listen here and listen well!' I nodded my head quickly. 'I don't want you hanging around the wolves especially the new ones, there is something wrong with them.' She looked thoughtful when Pa picked up where Gran left off.

'I agree with your Grandmother, stay away from them. Are we clear Rosé?' I nodded my head and wrote my agreement.

"Even if you both hadn't told me to stay away I would've anyway, they're wolves." They smiled at me; happy that I agree with them, when I thought of going for a run. I quickly wrote my question.

'Yes you may, but make sure your back before dark.' Pa said, which caused to smile and nod. I rushed upstairs and changed into a black and purple sports bra, a pair of black shorts and my black Nike sneakers. I walked down stairs and outside the house before I took off sprinting into the woods. Awhile later I stop leaning against a tree panting heavily when I hear it, a blood curdling scream, the memory of that day my life changed came into my mind. I was walking through the woods with my parents; we were all mucking around in a small clearing when they came, the rogues. My Dad tried to scare them off thinking they were normal wolves but it didn't work so he tried to fight them off which was a terrible idea because he was outnumbered and out powered. My Mum and I watched, frozen in place, as they lunged at my Dad and tore him to pieces. Then my Mum snapped out of her trance and started yelling, trying to get to Dad, getting her killed in the process. I let out the loudest scream in my entire life when I saw both my parents dead. And then it was my turn, the rogues turned to me ready for the kill, the first lunged at me but on instinct I reached out and snapped its neck; killing it quickly. The other wolves looked shocked and they turned to run away, but one stopped right at the edge of the clearing then turned its head towards me. It stared deeply into my eyes but then I heard it; a deep, husky voice in my head.

'I will get you eventually.' Then it turned and ran into the thick forest just as the Alpha, Will and the rest of the warriors came to fight off the threat but by then it was too late, both my parents were dead and it was their fault.

<><><><><>Authors Note<><><><><>

Hey guys and gals! Sorry for the slow updates, I've been really busy the last couple of weeks, so yeah. Hoped you enjoyed chapter; please vote, comment and share. It would mean the world to me.

Bye guys and gals, remember to stay awesome and love one another!

- M

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