Chapter Twelve So Much Fun

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'Um, hi my name's Rosè-' Suddenly the woman squealed excitedly, before charging over to me and tackling me into a bear hug.

'Oh, I'm so glad to finally meet you in person!' Wow, was this chick for real? She sounds like a star struck fangirl.

'Thank you so much for saving my baby, Av! If you weren't there we all know Av would have been killed! So thank you!' She looked on the verge of tears, either because she was so happy or she was really sad that she had almost lost her daughter. Then I noticed her shaking slightly.

'Are you alright?' I wrapped my arm around her to steady her; she just smiled at me with a look of gratitude on her face.

'Lets get Avril to bed.' With that she turned and started heading off to Av's room. When I noticed something tucked into the back of her dress. I quickly plucked it from the material, and when she turned and gave me a look. I just said I was tucking in her tag. We reached the room and she took Avril from me and made her way to the bed ready to lay her down. As her back turned to me I examined the piece of plant I had pulled from her clothes. It looked familiar, and when I smelt it I realised what it was. It was wolfbane, a herb that kills wolves. In small doses such as this it makes the wolf extremely weak and ill. I smelt the musk of the room and realised it wasn't musk it was wolfbane, and because the woman was weakened and Av didn't have her wolf senses yet they couldn't smell it.

'Stop!' I screamed, causing the woman to jump. Before she turned to me with a confused and stern look.

'What's wrong?' I walked towards her.

'Ma'am this was tucked into the back of your dress,' I held it out for her to see. 'Its wolfbane.' She gasped.

'I know because I've used this herb many times while hunting rogues, and judging by the musk of this room there's a stash somewhere.' I walked over to the bed and looked inside Av's pillow to find it stuffed to the brim with the deadly herb. I frowned before I turned and showed her the pillow. I searched the entire room to find it clean. I then turned to the fire and threw the wolfbane in and watched it burn.

'Callum! Carter!' I yelled very loudly, before walking into the bathroom and thoroughly washing my hands. I heard the door open and the boy's complaining filled my ears. I dried my hands and walked out to address the boy's.

'Boy's, these two women have been exposed to wolfbane, Carter I want you to take them to the infirmary to get treatment. Callum, go inform the Alpha's and tell the packs to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.' I told them; within seconds they nodded their heads and got to work escorting the two women and being a .messenger. Once they were gone I started to get to work doing what I do best, hunting. I walked around the pack house for about an hour before I stood in front of a guest bedroom door. I pulled out my three inch flick knife, which I always had stuffed in my shoe; out of sight. With my blade out, I kicked the door open and marched in ready for a fight. The rogue had been sitting on the bed, but was now on his feet looking down at me smirking. This was going to be so much fun.

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