Chapter Nine Away From Home

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About two thirds of the way down I started getting tired.

'Damn it Avril! Why do you have to live on the fifth floor!?' I mumble to myself as I finally reach the ground. I stretch and rest for a little before I took off sprinting to Gran and Pa's house, which by the way is twelve kilometres away.

<><><><><>Fifty Minutes Later<><><><><>

I'm finally home, I rush up to the front door and start knocking like crazy. I hear fast footsteps approaching the door on the other side before it fly's open revealing my Pa. He stares at me for a while before calling Gran.

'Anne.' Soon Gran appears next to him; as soon as she sees me she turns as white as a ghost.

'John, please tell me I'm not imaging our granddaughter standing on our doorstep.' Gran pleads Pa in a shaky voice.

'I was about to ask you the same question.' Pa said, while they both stare at me in shock.

'I'm here guys, you're not imagining me.' They quickly hugged me and bring me inside.

'I'm going to take a shower, I'll be down here soon and I promise I'll explain everything. Okay?' They smiled whilst nodding at me. I head upstairs to my bathroom and take a long shower washing my hair and body. After my shower I take a look at my injuries; which are in good condition and healing fast. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair. I slipped on some shoes and headed down the hall when I heard bangs and yelling from down stairs. I quickly and silently made my way down stairs to find the living room trashed, and Gran and Pa standing there reasoning with the really annoying wolf from school. I think his name's Shaz?

'Where is she!?' He bellows.

'We don't know! We left her in your care, and now you tell us you've lost her!' Pa yells at the wolf pretending to be angry. Gran noticed me standing there and stared at me then her eyes flickered out the window to the garage. I knew what she meant by this, so as quietly as possible I walked over to the door, picked my keys up off the table and nod at Pa; who by now has also noticed me. He picked up a vase and threw it at the wolf. As soon as it crashed against the wall, I opened the door and slipped outside; leaving the door wide open. I run to the garage opened it up, jumped on my bike, put on my helmet and speed out of there onto the highway. Away from that crazy wolf, away from the people I want to be with right now, away from my home.

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