Chapter Sixteen Hotties In The House

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'Listen, I have to get home to my grandparents are probably very worried . . .' I said starting to back away from the small group, while they looked at me oddly. Suddenly Liz burst into a fit of giggles.

'What!?' I demanded; placing my hands on my hips and cocking one to the right.

'Thats already been arranged.' She said still giggling, whilst my jaw hit the ground. I soon snapped out of the trance that the fact Liz had delivered and drew a deep breath.

'What do you mean by that, Eliza?' I asked in a bone chillingly calm voice, whilst giving her a pointed look.

'Um, well . . . Ah you see,' she was looking around for help from the others. 'We contacted your grandparents and told them there was this party in your honour; they said it was fine for you to stay.' She finished whilst scratching the back of her neck, I looked at her with with a blank expression.

'Well since I didn't bring any bathers; I can't go swimming.' I said grinning, while Ash shook her head.

'Don't be silly, you'll just have to borrow some of mine.' Ash said smirking, I cursed under my breath.

'Fine but please tell me it's a one piece with a shirt over it.' Liz laughed before she grabbed my right arm and Ash ceased my left, and they both basically carried me inside the pack house and up to Ash's room. She started sorting through her bathers and choosing which ones would be suitable for me but there wasn't a problem since we were the same size. Soon Liz strutted into the room with her arms full of bathers; which were no doubt hers.

'Did you guys like; I don't know predict Shaz finding me, and that's why you guys packed so many bathers.' They both looked at me and then at each other; there was a long silence before both of them burst out laughing.

'What, what's so funny!?' I demanded, whilst pouting at them childishly. They giggled for a bit longer before it finally ended with both of them gasping to catch their breaths.

'No, we're not physic. But we pack for all circumstances that may happen.' Liz said after she had finally caught her breath, Ash looked up at me from the bathers she was sorting through.

'As you may have figured out; this isn't he first time this has happened.' Ash explained while Liz nodded in agreement and continued sorting her bathers as well.

'Yeah, it was obvious when you guys pulled out a heap of bathers when you didn't even know if this place had a pool.' I chuckled, suddenly Liz squealed. I jumped about three feet into the air, God that girl has a voice especially when she's squealing!

'Gosh, Liz don't squeal like that; I thought you were under attack!' I exclaimed, but I could still feel the rapid beat of my heart. Liz blushed so hard it was like she turned into a tomato.

'Sorry, but I have found the bikini I shall be wearing.' She smiled, and held up a bright blue bikini that had small, white polka dots. The bottoms were high waisted and the top tied up at the back of the neck and had a bow at the front. I stared at it for a moment; before looking at her.

'Cute Liz, I'm sure it'll look great. But what will James do to you when he sees you wearing that bikini; in front of all those mate less guys down there?' Ash pointed a finger towards the floor; meaning down stairs. Liz rolled her eyes and started to tidy up the rest of her bathers

'I really don't care; if you and Rosé are allowed to wear bikini's, so am I.' Liz said lifting her head in defiance, before strolling into Ash's bathroom and closing the door. Ash held up a sparkly, fluoro purple bikini and smiled. Unlike Liz's bikini; Ash's had a normal set of bottoms but the top went over her shoulder and around her to tie up at the centre of her back.

'I have my bikini, now for you.' She said glancing at me before looking over her bathers again.

'Does it have to be a bikini?' I asked innocently; looking at her through my lashes hoping it would make her sway on the idea of me wearing a bikini.

'Yes.' Both Ash and Liz said at the same time; in the same monotone voice even though Liz was on the other side of a closed door. I sigh in my defeat and nod in response.

'I'm done.' Liz said opening the door and walking out in her blue bikini. I gawk at her; she looks freaking awesome. She looked concerned; before she looked down at herself.

'What's wrong? Do I look bad or something?' She asked; concerned.

'Liz you look awesome, I'm only gawking because you are looking so hot! And trust me, all the guys will be drooling over you!' I said, adding a wink at the end because of my little wolf joke. Eliza blushes like crazy and Ash chuckles at both my joke and Liz's face.

'I agree with Rosé; Liz. You look hot!' Ash said in a chirpy tone, with her bikini slung over her shoulder.

'Yes!' Ash cries excitedly, as she pulls something off the bed. I look at it and realise its a bright pink bikini, oh Hell no!

'I am not wearing that thing.' I say pointing at the small strips of pink material in her hands, she and Liz just pout.

'Why not?' Liz asked, I glared at the thing in Ash's hands.

'Because it's pink, I do not wear pink; full stop.' I say with venom dripping on each word. I walked over to where Ash was standing and shooed her away.

'You go get changed. Liz do your hair and I'll pick my bikini.' Ash nodded in agreement; before disappearing into the bathroom. Liz was fixing her hair into a stylish side ponytail; I started looking for the "Bikini" I would sadly be wearing. They were every colour of the rainbow, different styles but unfortunately no one pieces. I finally settled for a black bikini; with a high waisted pair of bottoms and small cuts on my hips and under my breasts. Ash came out of the bathroom dressed and hair done; I hid my bathers from their prying eyes and made it for the bathroom. Changed and left my hair the way it was, because frankly right now; I don't give a damn. I looked at my reflection and sighed, I would not normally dress like this but with Ash and Liz I am left with no other option. The worst part was my belly piercing was on show for everyone to see. I open the door and walk out.

'It's about time, me and Liz were about to break down the do-' Ash stops mid-sentence and stares at me and Liz is doing the same thing.

'That's it, give me a shirt.' I say, causing the, to smile.

'Wow, Rosé you look awesome! How 'bout we all go out there and show our mates who's boss?' Liz said raising an eyebrow. I laugh.

'Thank you Liz, and I think it's time the boys know their places.' I say smirking, the girls nod. We link arms and walk out Ash's room; down the hall towards the stairs. As we're descending them Liz whispers.

'Whys it so quiet?' I chuckle, and give her a look.

'Liz everyone's outside enjoying and participating in the party.' She made an "Oh" face before she nodded. We stopped rig behind the door that lead to the backyard and made sure we looked perfect; and with all systems go, we opened the door and strolled out into the backyard. We held our heads high and walked with purpose; like we owned the place. People did double takes when they looked at us; especially guys. We walked over to the pool where Shaz, Caleb and James were currently situated. We stopped behind them and waited for them to acknowledge us, but they didn't so Callum and Carter who did notice us gave them a little heads up. Callum wolf whistled while Carter yelled out.

'Hotties in the house!' Everyone who hadn't noticed us turned and collectively gasped when they saw us. The boys turned to see what all the commotion was about it froze when their eyes landed on us; not to mention their jaws hit the bottom of the pool. I snickered and walked up to Shaz lowering in front of him to get on his level. I reached out and pushed his chin up to close his mouth.

'Now we wouldn't want you catching flies; would we? So boys; I suggest you close you mouths.' I said standing up and smirking at them.

<><><><><>Authors Note<><><><><>

Hey guys and gals! Two updates today how exciting. Just remember if you like this chapter too vote, comment and share! That's all from me.
Remember stay awesome and love one another!

- M

P. S. Liz's bikini on the side.

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