Chapter Nineteen Marcus

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'Remove your hands from my mate right now Carter, or I swear to the Moon Goddess, I'll rip your your arms from your body!' Shaz snarled; jealousy, lust and pure wrath evident in his gaze. Carter was quick to let me go and move to the other side of the group, Shaz nodded approvingly whilst I turned and flipped him off; making sure to send a harsh glare in his direction. I wasn't about to roll over and submit to him, when I look at Ash and Caleb, Liz and James, I see love; pure love for the other and I see their respect for each other. And it was clear Shaz regarded me more as a status symbol or a piece of property, in this day and age; it was not okay. This isn't a Jane Austin novel!

I walked over to Carter and stood next to him; carter was very uncomfortable in the situation, but didn't question me or my motives. Shaz opened his mouth in protest, but the defiant look I was sending him, made him shut it and growl; he stomped off announcing that training was starting. I hadn't noticed the rest of the group had quietened down, and was watching mine and Shaz's every move; in case they needed to jump in before we tore each other's throats out. Carter let out a breath; almost a sigh of relief, almost.

'Damn girl, do you want to kill me!?' I couldn't tell if Carter's question was serious or a joke, but I just shrugged and gestured for them to lead the way.

When everyone was gathered, Shaz began talking random stuff of which I didn't pay mush attention too; I just stood back and watched the two packs mix. Hey soon split into groups depending on age, each group was led by an adult from the Dark Moon pack; Shaz leading the group of older teens and younger twenty-year-olds. I watched him demonstrate what they were doing; it was duelling and you had to start in human form but you could shift, I watched as he picked out the pairs and started them off. I turned my back to them and went for a run, not too far; but enough to stretch my muscles and warm up. I returned to see Liz in the circle with this huge twenty-something-year-old, it was clear she was scared, and Liz was certainly not a fighter; I watched as they started. Within a second the guy pounced on Liz; punching her to the ground, James had to be held back at the sight of his mate in pain. Shaz just watched on, signally Liz to stand; how they were friends amazed me.

Liz gathered herself and stood up, touching her already bruising check slightly, I could see the anger burning in her eyes; here we go. Shaz waited a moment, looking at the Asshole then Liz; before he signalled for them to continue, Liz was quick to shift and dive on the other guy. She managed to take out a good chunk of his underbelly with her paw; and the bite she gave him didn't look to nice either. But that was all she got before he shifted and twisted around, bit down on her neck and threw her to the ground a couple of metres away. Shaz called it for the moment; and James rushed over to Liz who was lying the the ground, now human, and writhing in pain. I strolled up to where Liz lay, shoving through the group surrounding the circle, and helped James get her to stand; she looked at me and I flashed her a smile, before turning to the group around us.

'I'm stepping in for Eliza.' I pushed her into James' awaiting arms and stepped inside, or at least tried to; Shaz marched up to me and tugged me back by my arm.

'Your not fighting Marcus.' He stated; growling more than half he sentence, I stared at him.

'Look, this isn't me being defiant; it's me sticking up for my friend. Do you want me to die in an attack, do you?' My eyebrow raised and he seemed torn.

'No, but you don't need to do this; I'll protect you.' Shaz murmured softly, his asshole façade fading; I smiled.

'No, not every time; now can you just let me kick some ass?' I asked sweetly, making him sigh in defeat and nod. Shaz walked to where he was before and I stepped into the "ring", Marcus looked me up and down; then chuckled.

'This is gonna be fun.' He licked his lips, Shaz growled but didn't step in; I didn't reply.

'Watch your mouth, this is your Luna your addressing! And remember the rule against going for the throat.' Has snapped, I waited a moment before I signalled him to start, and he did.

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