Chapter Seventeen Strikes

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Ash and Liz laugh quietly at he boys as they try to recover and get their cool back. Then James growled slightly; while he continued eying Liz up and down.

'Babe, I thought we greed you were mine.' James said his voice huskier than usual. Liz just smiled a sickly sweet smile.

'Now Baby, I am yours but that doesn't mean I can't wear a bikini.' Liz stated while her face turned sour as she sassed James; whom just stared and grumbled. Ash had already hopped in the pool and was next to Caleb; who glared at any male that glanced their way whilst holding Ash next to him. I walked over to the diving board and strolled to the edge before I bounced; on my third bounce I leapt off doing a front flip into the water. I was under the when something swam underneath me before pushing me to the surface. I looked down to see I was sitting on Carter's shoulders and I looked in front to see a girl I've never seen or met before sitting Callum's shoulders.

'Okay the rules are simple, first girl to push the other off of the guy's shoulders wins.' Callum said, I nodded as did the other girl who was clearly wolf. Ash and Liz started the countdown.

'Three, two, one!' They both screamed, and it began. Callum and Carter charged at each other and when they were less than a metre apart the other girl and I started shoving. She was really strong and I knew I had to do something or else we would lose. I leaned down acting as if I were weakening but when I was next to Carter's ear I whispered.

'Take a step back to shake their balance.' He nodded and I quickly unwrapped my fingers as he stepped back. The girl fell but leaned back recovering her balance.

'Now!' I yelled, Carter stepped foreword and I shoved the girl, hard, making both her and Callum fall back into the water with a loud splash. Carter and I cheered; people laughed and Avril, who I now realised was sitting at the edge of the pool, squealed in delight.

'And the winners are Rosé and Carter!' Ash announced to the crowd, Callum and the other girl resurfaced. I let myself fall back off Carter's shoulders into the water, when I popped back up the other girl was with our little group. I swam over to join them.

'Hey Rosé.' Liz said, than looked at the girl and her eyes widen.

'Oh, I don't think you've met Frey . . .' She trailed off thinking to herself.

'No, I haven't.' I said turning to the girl; who only beamed at me.

'I'm Freya, but I prefer Frey, Luna.' She said bowing slightly. I rolled my eyes and lowered myself into the water and blew bubbles. Once I reached the bottom I stayed there and started counting.

'One mermaid, two mermaid, three mermaid . . .' I kept going and I was at thirteen mermaids when scooped me up off the floor of the pool and brought me to the surface. Ash, Caleb, Liz, James, Frey and Shaz, who was holding me, gathered around me.

'Oh thank The Goddess you're still alive!' Shaz said holding me closer and nuzzling my neck, I just pushed him away and dived back into the water. I was under for about two seconds before I was violently grabbed by my arms and basically thrown out of the pool. I landed in a bundle with my soaking wet hair covering my face but even with that I could hear the growl and the gasps. I flipped my hair out of my eyes so I could see; there stood a very pissed off Shaz surrounded by the guys and Ash, Liz, and Frey as they tried to calm him down. He was breathing ragged, his body rigid with anger and he was glaring at me. It was pretty obvious that he threw me from the pool, so it was here were I needed to let him know I'm not some weak little girl.

'Strike one Shaz, two more strikes and you're out! I'm gone, not in your life and never will be.' I said rising from the cement. He seemed caught off guard by this comment, but then went back to being furious. I turned and began walking towards the house and up to Ash's room. Towelled down and pulled on my jeans and grabbed a T-shirt from Ash, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I grabbed a sticky note and scribbled quickly. Saying I borrowed a top and would give it back and my phone number. Then I grabbed my bag and began making my way down stairs. As I was descending the stairs, Alpha Asshole was making his way up and grabbed my arm.

'Where do you think you're going?' He asked clearly still pissed, I only glared.

'I'm going home, is that a problem? Oh wait, I don't need your permission; you're not my Alpha. So if you'll excuse me.' I tried to leave but Shaz wouldn't let go his grip just tightened. The guys came in and stopped when they saw us, they were smart not to speak.

'How dare you!' He yelled. 'You are my mate and whether you like it or not, so here's how it's going to go. You will stop being a little bitch and let me mark and mate with you, and then you'll come back to my territory with me as well as the rest of my pack that are here. You will meet your entire pack back home, take the position of Luna and act like one!' Shaz ground at through gritted teeth; I just stood there and processed all he said, though I understood it all perfectly. Then I punched him so hard in the face; he fall. I leaned down so we were eye level.

'If you ever speak to me like that again; I will give you worse than a broken nose, got it? I will never leave my family to be with an asshole like you. Plus that was strike two so, I'm gonna give you one more chance; just one. So if I were you; I'd be very careful.' I stood up and rushed down the stairs, everyone just stood there in shock from what Shaz had said and my actions in response. I marched out to my bike; climbed on, and left as fast as the motor would go. I slowed down when I came into Pa's driveway, and after I put bike in the garage I marched inside. Gran looked up at me and smiled which faded slowly as she looked at me, I placed my keys in the bowel next to the door.

'What?' I asked, Pa walked in heading over to Gran; giving her a peck on the check before turning to me.

'Hey Kiddo, how was your party?' He asked looking up at me; as soon as he saw me he looked concerned.

'Whats wrong?' He and Gran said at the same time, I gave them a funny look.

'What are you talking about?' I asked raising an eyebrow; Gran grabbed me and pushed in front of the mirror. I gasped at what I saw, dark blue almost black bruises covered my arms; I also had a few claw like cuts. But what really shook me was the single pale bruise on my neck; it looked as if someone had tried to give me a hickey but hadn't finished, my mind flashed back to the moment where Shaz was nuzzling my neck . . .

<><><><><>Authors Note<><><><><>

Rosé's bikini on the side

- M

Shaz and I {On Hold}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant