Chapter Eleven Gang Up On A Girl

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'Callum, Carter you're dismissed. You've done your job.' They nodded their heads.

'Yes Alpha Shaz.' They said in sync, before closing the door.

'So what do you want? 'Cause you are wasting my holiday time.' I asked, whilst letting my head fall back so I could see Shaz, even if he was upside down.

'I want to ask you what you're doing awake, when you're meant to be in a coma. And also, how you fought all those rogues?' He said, walking around to stand next to Will, who was giving me a pointed look.

'Gang up on a girl, why don't you.' I said sarcastically, while I lifted my head to look at them. I give them a glare. 'Callum and Carter said if I came here answer your questions and whatever, I would be allowed to leave the state and do as I please without you watching me.' I said still looking at them, Shaz growled.

'They shouldn't have said that, 'cause it's not true.' I smiled, quickly stood up and grabbed my helmet.

'Well then, I shouldn't be here.' I turned to leave when I was told to stop.

'Fine, if you answer my questions you'll be free to go.' Shaz said, I sat down smirking knowing I had got my way.

'Okay first, I'm not in a coma because after years of being bashed and abused by Will and his gang, my body started to adapt and was able to heal faster. Secondly, ever since the day my parents were killed, I trained myself to be able to protect myself and anyone else around me. I got better at fighting by traveling interstate to other packs lands; tracking and hunting rogues there.' I said in a flat tone, while looking around for something more interesting. By now Will was gawking at me and Shaz was giving me a look that could only be described as a thinking face.

'So you're the one that has been making dead rogue bodies appear across the entire country.' He mumbled more to himself then me. But this caused a sly smile to make its way to my lips.

'The one and only.' I said in chirpy tone, I stood up with my helmet, before walking to the door. And with one final glance over my shoulder, I opened the doors and left. As I was walking down the hallway people kept their distance until a very bubbly girl came sprinting up to me, yelling my name.

'Rosè!' She squealed excitedly, as she ran up and jumped into the air. Luckily my reflex's made me catch her, once I had a firm grip on her sides I started spinning her around making her squeal again.

'Hey Av, how are ya kid?' She giggled as I set her on my hip, so I could keep walking.

'I'm wonderful, thank you.' She said giggling, far too much so I knew she was up to something. I raised my eyebrow at her.

'Av, it's awfully late shouldn't you be in bed getting read a bedtime story, or something?' She giggled, while turning slightly pink.

'I'm meant to be in bed, but when I heard you were here; I had to see you.' She said now turning deep crimson, this caused me to smile and give her a gentle squeeze.

'Awe! That's sweet of you Av, but now your mum isn't gonna be happy when she finds us.' Suddenly a new voice joined our conversations.

'Too right!' Av flinches.

'Busted.' She whispered in my ear, before turning to a very flushed looking woman standing at the top of the staircase.

Shaz and I {On Hold}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora