Chapter Four I Hate All Wolves

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After that; the day dragged on slowly until finally it was last period. I was brought from my thoughts by someone jabbing me in the back with a pen. With a silent groan I turned around to see who it was. I grumbled silently when I saw one of the new wolves looking at me curiously. He was amazingly beautiful; ashy (almost white) blonde hair; cut short and styled into a quiff, big blue eyes, olive skin, pink lips and pearly, white teeth that seemed to glow when he smiled. But there was something off about him. I watched his eyes darkened and then he reached for me, but when I gave him my warning look he whimpered and looked down at his desk. Soon the bell rang and I was up and out of there as quickly as I could. I was so close to escape when I heard someone call out to me.

'Hey, wait up.' I ignored the voice and kept walking when something grabbed my arm from behind drawing me to a halt. I span around quickly to see who was holding me, only to see the wolf who had been bugging me in English. I jerked my arm from his his grasp, pulled out my whiteboard and wrote a quick message.

"Don't touch me!" I glared up at him hatefully.

'Okay, I won't touch you; but why do you hate me so much!? What did I do to you!?' His voice getting louder with every word. So I wrote the answer on the board.

"I don't hate you specifically, I hate all wolves! And if you want to find out the answer to why I hate wolves so much, ask Will!" And that left him confused and slightly angry, but with one last hateful glare I turned I turned on my heels and stormed off. Once I was on my motor bike I was happy because I knew this meant I would be home soon; which meant Gran and Pa. I quickly hopped on and sped down the highway towards my grandparents place outside of town: it's a lot more quiet and private which is is good.

<><><><><>Authors Note<><><><><>

Hey guys and gals! It's me, and I apologise for this short chapter. It's just been hard with school back and everything (Oh by the way, I live in the Southern Hemisphere so it's term two for me ~.~).

And that's it so, just remember guys and gals; stay awesome and love one another!

- M

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