Chapter Ten The Alpha Wants A Word

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<><><><><>Ten Minutes Later<><><><><>

I'm two minutes away from the state border, once I cross the wolves will have to get permission from the Alpha of the land to go on and find me. The whole process takes a long while, so it will give me plenty of time to move on and figure out a plan. I glance up ahead; and there's a car parked across the lanes blocking them, what the hell? I slowed down to a stop eight metres away from the car and waited, the car had tinted windows so I can't see whose inside. The doors suddenly opened revealing a very casual looking Callum and Carter. I growled angrily.

'Are you kidding me!?' I yelled at them, causing them to smile.

'If you boys don't stop smiling I swear to God, I'll kill you just like the rogues!' I hissed, whilst taking off my helmet.

'The Alpha wants a word with you.' Carter said; grinning like an ideot.

'Fine, if I go talk with your "Alpha" will you wolves agree to leave me alone?' They quickly nodded in agreement.

'Good, I'll meet you back at the pack house.' I said, putting my helmet back on; before turning and speeding away from them in the direction of the pack house.

<><><><><>Thirty Minutes Later<><><><><>

I pulled up at the pack house with the boy's right behind me; I turned off my bike and removed my helmet letting my hair cascade down. I jumped off my bike and walked up to the front doors with the guys still following me, I quickly opened the doors of the building and marched in only stopping a little bit inside the entry while waiting for the boy's. I noticed the wolves that are hanging around staring and whispering about me, which caused me to roll my eyes and tell the boy's to hurry up.

'We're coming Rosè, just hang on!' With that the boy's entered the building looking annoyed, but when they saw the look I was wearing they lowered their heads and walked past me mumbling 'This way'. As I followed them up four flights of stairs and a maze of hallways, we finally reached two large, deep brown coloured oak doors. Not only that, they had painted on in fancy golden script was "Alpha's Office", it actually looked nice to my surprise. I noticed the boy's straighten up before Carter went to knock on the door, but I was out of patience. I shoved past him and Callum and opened the doors, to reveal Will sitting behind a desk looking really pissed, but the mood but the mood I was in way worse than his. I also noticed the other wolf who was standing in the corner straighten up. I spotted a chair in front of the desk, while the boy's stood in the doorway shocked and not knowing what to do.

'Have you ever heard of knocking!?' Will growled at me, but one look from the other wolf silenced him.

'Well considering that guy over there clearly has more power than you do, and he wanted me here. I don't think I have to knock.' I said, as I walked up and slammed my helmet down on his desk before I dropped myself down in the chair, and kicked my feet up onto the desk. I turned to look at Callum and Carter; to find them gawking at me.

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