Chapter Eight Spy Style

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<><><><><>Unknown Time Later<><><><><>

I'm awake, well I can think and hear but my body isn't responding when I try to move; and when I try to open my eyes can't 'cause they're too heavy. I remember what happened before I passed out so that's good that I have my memory, but I'm worried; what about my grandparents? How long have I been out? Where am I? Why can't I move? I need to listen to the people who are talking maybe they will spill information; 'cause they think I'm still unconscious.

'Why isn't she awake yet!?' I hear familiar male voice boom, I have heard the voice before but I can't put my finger on it.

'This is natural Alpha Shaz; she is only a human, her body isn't like ours it takes longer to heal itself. With the injuries and trauma she sustained during her fight with the rogues, I say she'll be under for a couple more days.' So I've been out a couple of days, this is horrible! Poor Gran and Pa; they probably think I'm dead!

'And how am I meant to explain that to her grandparents, who by the way, are waiting outside to visit their granddaughter who is in coma!' What, Gran and Pa are here!? This is wonderful; they know what happened to me and are here to see me!

'I know it's hard Alpha Shaz, but she will wake up; it's just not now.' A female voice said gently, clearly this was the doctor. I hear a sigh before two sets of footsteps leave the room, than there are another two sets of footsteps approaching the bed I'm lying in. I feel the people take my hand in theirs, and then, start talking in hushed voices as if scared to wake me.

'Oh my lovely girl, what have you done to yourself?' I feel someone start to stroke my hair; but it's fine because I realise the one who is doing this is Gran. They stay with me a little longer till the doctor calls out to them.

'I'm sorry, but she can't handle too much; I'm going to have to ask you to leave.' She says with a depressed tone. I feel my grandparents kiss my forehead before they walk away. Then there is silence, but by now I'm getting feeling back in my body; I can move my arms and legs. But I'm still struggling to open my eyes. I'm interrupted by the sound of the door opening and being closed quietly, then the sound of light footsteps making their way, quietly, over to my bed then stopping right next to it. I feel someone small crawl onto my bed and start shaking me.

'Come on; wake up.' I realise it's Avril who's shaking me, with all the strength I can muster I try to pry open my eyes and this time I succeed. Avril gasps but then smiles.

'Hey Kid, how are you?' I say smiling.

'I'm good thanks to you.' I sit up and look around to find no one but us, which is good.

'Avril I need your help,' She gives me her full attention. 'Does your bedroom have a window?' She starts nodding her head.

'Yes it does, why do you ask?' I grin like the Cheshire Cat.

'I need your help to escape, like spy style.' Avril grins whilst rubbing her hands together like villain's do in movies.

'What's your plan?' I smile; and tell her that she just needs to get me to her room without being noticed.

'Sure, just follow my lead.' She leads me through the maze of hall ways, up a set of stairs and finally into her bedroom. She closes her door and locks it before turning to me.

'Now what?' I walk over to her window and open it.

'Thanks Av, you've been a huge help.' I smile before swinging out the window and climbing down the wall.

Shaz and I {On Hold}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang