Chapter Fifteen Hi Luna

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'Boys, get her!' Suddenly I was grabbed from behind, lifted off my bike and carefully carried on the shoulders of the wolves that were holding me. I wiggled and tried to escape, but their grips on me only tightened. Avril was being carried on the shoulders of a wolf that was walking behind me little group; I could see her sitting there smiling and giggling. Then she leant down and whispered something in the ear of the wolf who was carrying her, but the entire time she kept her eyes on me so it was kind of a give away who she was whispering about. She sat up having now accomplished her whispered sentence; she smiled as the wolf walked closer to me and pulled off my helmet.

'Oi, hands off the lot of you!' I yelled as he finished pulling off my helmet. Soon I was placed on the ground, and realised I'm in the backyard. There's a huge pool and decorations are being hung and other party instruments are being placed. It isn't hard to figure out they're having a party later. Av hops off the wolf's shoulders and shoos him away telling hi to go and get Caleb and James, whoever the hell they are. As I'm standing here waiting for these people to come since the other wolves left after dropping me off here and Avril left to "get ready" for whatever's going to happen tonight. As I'm just about to leave a girl about my age comes towards me and starts talking.

'Hi Luna.' She says bowing her hear; I basically choke on my saliva.

'Um hi, it's Rosé; not "Luna".' I tell her and she nods

'I'm Ashlee, but you can call me Ash.' Ash said gesturing to herself when she said her name, but kept smiling the whole time.

'Nice to meet you Ash, your one of Shaz's gang; right?' I ask raising an eyebrow; she starts laughing for some reason.

'Yes; I'm in the Dark Moon Pack, and Alpha Shaz is well the title gives it away.' I grin at her, when suddenly arms snake around her waist from behind and a guy's face appears next to hers and kiss's her temple. She smiles and leans back into him.

'And this is my mate, Caleb.' Ash holds so much love and happiness in her voice and her facial expression. Caleb let her go and walked up to me.

'Hello, as my beautiful mate said; my name is Caleb. And I'm Shaz's Beta or second in command. It's a pleasure to meet you Luna.' He said bowing in respect, I groaned loudly.

'Okay firstly, you and Ash are adorable. Secondly, it's nice to meet you too Caleb. And thirdly, will you all quite calling me "Luna"! Plus in the human world we shake hands, not bow our heads.' I said taking his hand and shaking it. Ash was laughing and soon I joined her when I saw Caleb's shocked face.

'What's so funny!?' A new voice yelled over the laughter, I turned to see another girl my age in the arms of her mate. I felt authority coming off both him and Caleb, so I knew he was the Gamma or third in command.

'Nothing Liz, just something the Lun- eh Rosé said.' Ash said quickly fixing her mistake, while the other girl, Liz, gasped.

'Ash what's wrong with you!? You can't call the Luna by her name!' The girl said; marching up to Ash and scolding her.

'Actually she can if she's told too, and I hate being called Luna.' I said giving the girl a fixed look while crossing my arms over my chest. She lowered her heard, mumbling.

'Sorry, oh and my names Eliza but y can call me Liz.' Liz said smiling; in which I returned.

'Nice to meet you both, I'm Rosé and don't tell me. Your mates with him,' I pointed to the guy standing behind Liz. 'And his Shaz's Gamma.' I said grinning, she just nodded clearly shocked.

'Hi, I'm James.' I smiled at him and now we were all accounted, we started talking.

'Well I think it's time to get ready for the pool party.' Liz says clapping her hands excitedly, whilst nudging Ash.

'Uh, what pool party?' I asked but there was no mistaking the feeling of being set up, in my gut. Av you little sneak, I'm going to get you back; you be sure of that!

'The pool party in your honour, Luna.' Liz said like it was obvious, I sighed.

<><><><><>Authors Note<><><><><>

Ashlee's bikini on the side.

- M

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