11 - 'help me'

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Trigger warning of Self harm and blood. There is also running themes of thoughts of hopelessness and suicide.

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POV George

As soon as Dream had left the room I ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me before Sapnap could reach me. I fell to the floor sobbing for what must be the millionth time today. Sapnap was pounding on the door shouting for me to open it. He sounded scared and worried, which he should be if I'm being honest with myself.

I looked up from the floor and around the bathroom wiping my eyes of tears so that I could at least try to see clearly. The bathroom was organised perfectly and everything had a place, except for me I didn't have a place and I didn't just mean in this bathroom or in Dream's house, I meant in this life on this Earth. How was I ever going to be good enough when I'm not even good enough from my friends. For Dream, the one person who I truly love the most in this world or Sapnap who was now screaming my name as his tone became even more frustrated telling me to open the door. I pushed myself of the floor and started walking to where I kept my things.

Trigger warning - Self harm

I already knew what was coming next, it was if I was sleep walking through it. This time the pain was minimal and went away quickly. I can't even do this right, I thought to myself, how am I supposed to do anything else right. I pushed deeper this time causing me to yelp a little. Maybe I can I thought to myself almost with a smile on my face at the accomplishment.

End of trigger warning

Sapnap was now hitting the door screaming at my to open it, begging me even. He must have heard me yelp. But he couldn't see me like this nobody could. I was a disappointment and I will just stay here forever I told myself. My vision then started to go blurry and before I knew it I was falling to the floor and all I could here was Sapnaps cry's for help and for me to answer him. I let out a almost silent and whispered 'help me'.

POV Sapnap

I had heard George yelp and I could only imagine what was happening inside that bathroom. I screamed for him to open the door willing him to unlock it and walk out of the room, but atlas that was not going to happen. All of a sudden I heard a thud the sound of George falling to the floor and I stopped screaming for George but instead for Dream. He will be able to open this door for sure. It only took a matter of seconds for Dream to rush into the room and to my side. My face was stained with tears and the look of tiredness. I just pointed to the locked door hoping Dream understood what he needed to do. Instantly he started pushing against the door, throwing his whole body weight against it try to force it to open. The whole time yelling for George just as I had done before. The door started to crackle at the repeated blows it was getting, maybe this would actually work.

POV Dream

The door was starting to break under the force which I was putting on it. My body was sore but I couldn't stop I had to get inside of the room to see if George was okay, but by the look on Sapnap's face I didn't think that he was going to be okay. With on final shove the door finally gave way and flew open. Me and Sapnap raced into the room to see George slumped on the floor. His eyes closed and his hand clutching is wrist.

Trigger warning - blood

The floor surrounding him was covered in a thin layer of his blood. I rushed towards him not caring about it.

End of trigger warning

I scoped him into my arms brushing the hair out of his face. He looked peaceful but distressed at the same time. I started to shake him trying to wake him up but he wasn't waking. Then I started to call his name but he wasn't responding. My voice grew with worry as it became more and more certain that the brunette in my arms wasn't going to respond. I turned to look at Sapnap but he was gone. I was alone with the one who I love who was slowly passing in my arms.

780 words

This was quite intense and a heavy chapter I am trying to work towards lighter chapters as the story progresses.

What would you guys prefer shorter chapters and more frequent updates or longer chapters with less frequent updates?

Thank you for 1k reads as well that is crazy thank you so much. If you enjoyed please don't forget to vote. Stay safe x

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